Well, obviously the easiest way to make gold is to buy a cash shop item and sell it at the auction house, but this will revolve around people who want to make gold without spending real money. There are really only a few methods that I recommend doing and they vary based on what you're in the mood for.
Option 1: Mining/Mob Farming
This is my least favorite method of making gold. The materials you gather in mining can be sold regularly for decent amounts of silver or gold and the nodes are everywhere if you go to a less populated channel. By doing this in the endgame zones you can farm materials and money from the mobs as well. This method is long and boring and results in very low generation of gold, but it may be necessary if you can't do the other methods for some reason.
Option 2: Dailies
This you should be doing constantly anyway. Run your epics and hellhound dailies for bonus gold. This will generate quite a bit of gold constantly and if you're lucky on drops is the second best method of earning gold.
Option 3: Play the market (requires gold to make gold)
This is always my personal favorite method of generating gold in all MMOs. All you really need to do this is have knowledge of what the most popular items/materials are in game and how much they sell for on average. The easy way to do this is write down a list of 10-20 items that are high demand, like rare materials for certain armor and beycium. Everyday in the morning and the evening search these 10-20 items at the Traders post and write down their prices. Do this for a week.
Chances are you will end up noticing a pattern where certain things sell better different days and a difference between morning or evening prices. You will also know what the average price for one of those items is and be able to identify if a lot are significantly below price.
Now, every day when you check, look for items that are either selling below the median or that will sell for more in the evening. The key with this method is to understand margins. For example, some people look for that 50g item that's selling for 40g. They see 10g, but what they forget is that item doesn't have a lot of buyers and the margin is 20%. Compared to lets say if an item normally sells for 2g but is currently selling for 1g. Investing 40g in this item will result in earning 80g. Even if you listed it at 1.5g you will make more gold.
The real money is in small items since normally people won't even notice that all 300 of some low level item was bought up and re listed for twice the price.
Also, pay attention to weekends in the information you gather. I used to make thousands of gold in Warcraft by buying items on the weekend and selling them on weekdays or vice versa.
These are my tips for making gold in Raiderz. Good luck!
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