This is a quick look at stats and what they do in Raiderz. In Raiderz stats are the main component of determining the effectiveness of various skills since all of them multiply off of your base stats. Because of that it's important to know what they do.
STR: Strength increases physical damage.
AGI: Agility increases dodge and critical hit for both Magic and Physical Attack
INT: Magic damage and energy pool
VIT: Vitality is your health
CHA: Energy Regen is based on your charisma.
STA: Stamina points
Because of what each stats effect each class has a certain hierarchy of stats depending on what they are trying to accomplish.
Berserker: STR > AGI > STA >= VIT
Strength is most important on a Berserker since he is a damage dealer and all his skills multiply off it. Agility is second most important because it helps with crit which also aids in damage output. Personally, I put stamina and vitality as equals. Realistically you won't actually be trying to gear for either of those but will gain them passively.
Defender: VIT >= STR > AGI >= STA
Defenders are a strange class. Ideally you want to balance vitality and strength because you need to still do damage while soaking it, and generally you should be blocking most of the damage you have incoming. Stamina and agility are about as important as each other because Defender doesn't really need crit chance since he has a skill that will give 100% crit chance to the next skill anyway and has Stamina regen abilities.
Cleric: INT > CHA > AGI
Clerics really should be focusing purely on Int. Realistically it increases the potency of your heals and your mana pool which are the two things you want most. Although Charm will increase your EP regen, you have skills that do that. Agility is only if you're pushing for additional damage but Int still has more effect.
Sorcerer: INT > AGI > VIT
Sorcerers should be purely stacking INT when possible. Although Agility offers some nice crits, your overall damage will increase with INT. I only place vitality as an option since there are a lot of sorcerers that can be one shot. You should try to get just enough vitality that you can survive one shot from a boss, just in case.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sorcerer PvE Build
This Raiderz Sorcerer build revolves around doing the maximum amount of damage. Positioning and awareness is key when using this build because it doesn't have many of the snares that frost brings to the table since this is almost a pure fire build.
Pros and Cons:
Pros and Cons:
Highest Damage Output
Can sustain mana with skills
Can't kite very well
No escape mechanisms
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
1/3 Flame Arrow: You purchase this skill for both a ranged attack and proc your fire magic damage increase skill from range, and sort of because you have to.
1/5 Rapid Blasts: Close range very fast attack that's part of your burst combo. Does solid damage but only one point because we're going for big hits.
1/3 Ice Arrow: Range attack with a slow. One of your only snares and best way to stack your frost magic passive for haste.
1/5 Ice Thorns: AoE damage and slow. Necessary for both escape and chasing enemies as well as stacking frost magic passive for haste.
5/5 Magic Mastery: 10% increase in damage. Enough said.
Tier 2:
3/5 Flame Impact: Close range very fast attack that's part of your burst combo. Does great damage and its only not maxed to spend points elsewhere.
3/3 Meditation: You will be spamming spells to maximize damage and you can run out of EP fast. Normally I prefer not to max these skills, but Sorc is a mana hog.
Tier 3:
3/3 Flame Orb: Strong AoE ranged attack. The burst on this spell is powerful, it's a flame arrow on steriods.
3/3 Intricacy: Increased damage from crits by 15%, this will add up quite a bit over the course of a fight and stacks well with many of your spells. Highly recommended.
Tier 4:
4/5 Pillar of Fire: Very heavy AoE damage and at level four the Cooldown is only 18 seconds. This spell is your powerhouse during AoE pulls and on bosses. It's instant cast as well so it hits fast and hard.
1/3 Magic Crystal: Purely for more EP generation since you will be spammy.
Tier 5:
1/5 Burning Meteor: Huge AoE damage and knockdown. This skill has less usefulness in PvE than it does in PvP because of the long cooldown.
3/3 Flame Armor: Increased magic damage.
1/2 Elemental Harmony: Increase to casting speed and more importantly movement speed. This skill helps in both damage and survivability, although primarily taken for the damage.
Tier 6:
1/3 Wisdom: Taken for the increased critical again. The additional points don't pay off as well as the first point so only one is necessary.
Tier 7:
1/3 Flame Tornado: Instant cast AoE damage and movement speed increase to self. Good for both damage in PvE and PvP and escape in both. This spell is strong and should be used in conjunction with other AoEs to do a pounding.
2/2 Imbalance: Your spells will cause a stacking debuff on the enemy. Great for increasing damage during boss fights. Will probably be up the entire fight for a 6% overall increase in damage.
What about other trees?
Some people opt to move into the starter skills of other trees. I don't see a reason to with sorcerer since so many heavy damage spells are available to them. There is no reason to look for self heals because honestly, this build requires a player to be aware and actively dodge and at high levels sorcerer's won't survive a hit anyway.
Why no Frost?
Frost skills are tailored for PvP. Actually, even in my PvP build for Sorcerers I generally only put one point in each frost skill. Fire is so powerful that it can't be ignored, this build takes the high damage and pumps it up a notch. The only way this is possible is by taking the five points or so a player would put into frost and stack them into fire.
Meteor vs Pillar
For PvE purposes Pillar is the way to go. The low Cooldown makes this skill frequently up for group mob pulls. It also is instant cast which makes it great for casting and getting away since you will be required to actively dodge.
Cloth is the only set I personally would use. A lot of people opt for leather though. I find that leather lacks the intellect you would want on it and doesn't offer enough survivability for the damage lost. It offers more agility which will increase your critical rate, which is huge for fire, but in the end I still prefer cloth for the pure Int/EP.
Some people go sword and board. I personally prefer staff. The fact is, you should be trying to actively dodge because in the end that shield probably isn't saving you.
Pure intellect. Sorcerer's are casters and are expected to do heavy damage. Only intellect offers the means to do this and if a player opts to aim for EP they're losing damage output.
This build is meant to be a glass cannon style build. As a glass cannon it requires players to be on their toes and aware of incoming damage to avoid it. This build has a decent amount of instant casts so players can react and dodge. Take advantage of that. In Raiderz sorcerers aren't allowed to sit back and just cast one low damage spell, they need to blow the enemy up.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Berserker PvP Guide
Berserkers can be looked at as the cookie cutter class of Raiderz.
They are very easy to play initially but at high levels players find
themselves fumbling with Berserkers. The class is heavily dependent on
stamina and timing in order to stay alive, but when played well they can
offer massive damage for the group. In PvP they are exceptional dualists since they can keep an enemy knocked down for almost the entire fight if timing is right.
Pros and Cons:
Heavy Damage
Knockdowns galore
High HP
In melee range
Stamina depletes quickly
Only one heal
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Crush: Your main damage dealing ability as well as a powerful knockdown. This skill should be taken immediately and a point put in pretty much every chance until maxed. This is insanely powerful in PvP.
1/3 Dodge Attack: You will very rarely be using this skill, instead taking it as part of your combos and to get to upward strike.
5/5 War Weapon Mastery: 10% increase to damage. Enough Said.
Tier 2:
1/3 Neutralize: Key combo starter and interrupt for players and mobs alike. This skill is necessary but only the first point. In most cases the CD reduction will not save you and it's not a main damage dealing ability.
1/3 Berserk: Triggering the outrage effect on command is important in PvP where you may not have the ability to land consecutive shots. It also leads into your heal.
Tier 3:
5/5 Nocturne: Instant cast extremely powerful attack. Each level increases its damage by 60% offering one of the best returns on investments. This is a devastating attack.
1/3 Furious Dash: Mandatory skill for PvP chasing and escaping.
3/3 No Mercy: Increased critical damage. Enough said.
Tier 4:
1/3 Upward Strike: Dodge and counter attack with an expose weakness. Nice skill overall but doesn't warrant more than one point. You will primarily be using this to set up Crushing.
3/3 Tranquility: Extremely valuable in PvP. Not only is this your life saver when you need an emergency heal, it also restores stamina so you can escape or keep going.
Tier 5:
1/3 Bash: Taken primarily for the knockback. Although this skill can be a lifesaver it is also one of the most annoying skills a Berserker can use when he knocks a dead enemy to freedom.
2/2 Grievous Wound: Overall great skill. Decreases targets movement speed so you can chase them when they start to run off. Helps with annoying mobs in PvE and PvP. This is a mandatory skill.
Tier 6:
1/5 Crushing: Would put five points here if I could. Although it can only chain after crush or upward strike it is a powerful attack. PvP favors this skill since you normally will jump in and blow up on the enemy. A three second CD means you can go in, Crush, Crushing, Upward Strike, Crushing for mammoth damage.
1/1 Escape: It can save your life in PvE when you get in over your head, as well as PvP. It's a mandatory skill for PvP.
Tier 7:
1/3 Tornado: AoE damage skill that offers four strikes. This skill has close to the output of Nocturne in AoE form. This is one of those skills that I wish we could max out right now.
1/3 Controlled Madness: This skill increases your damage output huge. If another player in the group is targeted, feel free to go Hulk on their asses and smash.
1/2 Blood of the Berserker: When you get hit, you gain power. This is the core principle behind a Berserker, and lets be honest, you're going to be hit a lot.
Why no Armageddon Crush?
Realistically, Berserkers use so much stamina that in most cases you won't even use this skill. It's a lot like buffalo charge in that multiple strikes are nice and all, but you're not going to spend stamina on them with your alternatives.
Why no Buffalo Charge?
Adding another skill isn't necessary. In PvP this skill can cause mammoth amounts of damage, but so can crush. I'm not opposed to buffalo charge if you want to use it since it's not a bad initiator, I just don't like using it since it really doesn't lead into anything. I know a lot of people who like to Crush, Crushing, Buffalo Charge for large damage.
Chain. Some players opt to go plate but you're a damage dealer. Chain is the way to go since it offers the most strength which will result in a huge increase to damage.
Great sword. Some people opt for hammer but I don't see a point unless you're hybrid Cleric. Great swords have the highest damage output.
Strength. You're not a tank, you're a damage dealer. Strength is your primary damage dealing stat and should be compounded. A certain argument can be made to use Agility since it will increase crit damage and in PvP crit is awesome, but you have plenty without gemming for it and having higher damage increases your crit damage.
Berserkers require great timing and stamina management to be effective. Although they are the cookie cutter class they can be classified as easy to pick up, hard to master because of stamina management. The major mistake most Berserkers make is they blow all their CDs and have no way to avoid damage. In PvP good use of Escape, Furious Dash, Tranquility, Berserk, and Controlled Madness can make or break you. Try to use escape to escape, Furious dash to chase or escape, tranquility to replenish your stamina, berserk and controlled madness to pound your enemies into the ground.
Pros and Cons:
Heavy Damage
Knockdowns galore
High HP
In melee range
Stamina depletes quickly
Only one heal
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Crush: Your main damage dealing ability as well as a powerful knockdown. This skill should be taken immediately and a point put in pretty much every chance until maxed. This is insanely powerful in PvP.
1/3 Dodge Attack: You will very rarely be using this skill, instead taking it as part of your combos and to get to upward strike.
5/5 War Weapon Mastery: 10% increase to damage. Enough Said.
Tier 2:
1/3 Neutralize: Key combo starter and interrupt for players and mobs alike. This skill is necessary but only the first point. In most cases the CD reduction will not save you and it's not a main damage dealing ability.
1/3 Berserk: Triggering the outrage effect on command is important in PvP where you may not have the ability to land consecutive shots. It also leads into your heal.
Tier 3:
5/5 Nocturne: Instant cast extremely powerful attack. Each level increases its damage by 60% offering one of the best returns on investments. This is a devastating attack.
1/3 Furious Dash: Mandatory skill for PvP chasing and escaping.
3/3 No Mercy: Increased critical damage. Enough said.
Tier 4:
1/3 Upward Strike: Dodge and counter attack with an expose weakness. Nice skill overall but doesn't warrant more than one point. You will primarily be using this to set up Crushing.
3/3 Tranquility: Extremely valuable in PvP. Not only is this your life saver when you need an emergency heal, it also restores stamina so you can escape or keep going.
Tier 5:
1/3 Bash: Taken primarily for the knockback. Although this skill can be a lifesaver it is also one of the most annoying skills a Berserker can use when he knocks a dead enemy to freedom.
2/2 Grievous Wound: Overall great skill. Decreases targets movement speed so you can chase them when they start to run off. Helps with annoying mobs in PvE and PvP. This is a mandatory skill.
Tier 6:
1/5 Crushing: Would put five points here if I could. Although it can only chain after crush or upward strike it is a powerful attack. PvP favors this skill since you normally will jump in and blow up on the enemy. A three second CD means you can go in, Crush, Crushing, Upward Strike, Crushing for mammoth damage.
1/1 Escape: It can save your life in PvE when you get in over your head, as well as PvP. It's a mandatory skill for PvP.
Tier 7:
1/3 Tornado: AoE damage skill that offers four strikes. This skill has close to the output of Nocturne in AoE form. This is one of those skills that I wish we could max out right now.
1/3 Controlled Madness: This skill increases your damage output huge. If another player in the group is targeted, feel free to go Hulk on their asses and smash.
1/2 Blood of the Berserker: When you get hit, you gain power. This is the core principle behind a Berserker, and lets be honest, you're going to be hit a lot.
Why no Armageddon Crush?
Realistically, Berserkers use so much stamina that in most cases you won't even use this skill. It's a lot like buffalo charge in that multiple strikes are nice and all, but you're not going to spend stamina on them with your alternatives.
Why no Buffalo Charge?
Adding another skill isn't necessary. In PvP this skill can cause mammoth amounts of damage, but so can crush. I'm not opposed to buffalo charge if you want to use it since it's not a bad initiator, I just don't like using it since it really doesn't lead into anything. I know a lot of people who like to Crush, Crushing, Buffalo Charge for large damage.
Chain. Some players opt to go plate but you're a damage dealer. Chain is the way to go since it offers the most strength which will result in a huge increase to damage.
Great sword. Some people opt for hammer but I don't see a point unless you're hybrid Cleric. Great swords have the highest damage output.
Strength. You're not a tank, you're a damage dealer. Strength is your primary damage dealing stat and should be compounded. A certain argument can be made to use Agility since it will increase crit damage and in PvP crit is awesome, but you have plenty without gemming for it and having higher damage increases your crit damage.
Berserkers require great timing and stamina management to be effective. Although they are the cookie cutter class they can be classified as easy to pick up, hard to master because of stamina management. The major mistake most Berserkers make is they blow all their CDs and have no way to avoid damage. In PvP good use of Escape, Furious Dash, Tranquility, Berserk, and Controlled Madness can make or break you. Try to use escape to escape, Furious dash to chase or escape, tranquility to replenish your stamina, berserk and controlled madness to pound your enemies into the ground.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Raiderz PvP Guide
I find that much of the information for PvP in Raiderz carries over between classes and as such this will be written as a general guide to PvP for Raiderz. In the end PvP comes down to a few very simple aspects.
Tip 1: Only engage if you can catch/surround
You have no idea how many times I've had groups of six people trying to catch me for long periods of time until they finally give up. The reason is they all run out and try to chase me and it's pretty tough not to notice. Not only that but I have a couple escape methods to make it even more difficult to catch me. Instead, players should try to bait a player in, or have the part of the group with heavy CC circle around to my escape route (generally toward the safe zone). This way if I try to run to safety, I'm running through the worst part of the group to run through.
Tip 2: Time your knockdowns/snares
There is nothing more obnoxious than four Berserkers all burning their knockdowns, the enemy getting up, then running away with no way to stop him. Try to arrange it within your group before hand who knock downs first, second, third. This way a player has no way to escape. If a player is going to PvP, they need to take all knockdowns/snares that they can for their class. This means that Defenders should spec into sorcerer to pick up frost skills as should clerics.
Tip 3: In, burst, out
This is one of the toughest things for a lot of people to get their heads around. There is very little reason to stay in the middle of the fray since your best skills will be on CD. Even for Berserkers who do significant damage with normal attacks, staying in the fray makes you a big target that's not moving. Its tough for clerics to keep anybody other than defenders alive in PvP, this means if you're not a defender and you take big damage, it may be a bit before you get healed up. Run in, blow your skills, run out and around, run in, blow your skills.
Tip 4: Take PvP skills
This one seems obvious but every class has skills that are created for PvP. These skills are normal stuns, instant casts, snares, heals, interrupts, etc. For example, if you're a Berserker and you aren't able to berserk/furious dash/tranquility you're going to have a rough time. All classes have skills that are for PvP, take them.
Tip 5: Use your environment
This is the difference in a lot of group battles. There are narrow paths, hills, dead ends. All these things allow you to corner and catch enemies or in some cases for you to escape. Be aware of if an enemy will be in a choke point and take advantage of that. If the enemy has tons of escapes, fighting there is probably a waste of time. Be aware of your environment and how to use it.
That's all the tips for today. Outside of that, there are particulars for each class, but during PvP, you will die if you try to go alone, so try to get with a group.
Tip 1: Only engage if you can catch/surround
You have no idea how many times I've had groups of six people trying to catch me for long periods of time until they finally give up. The reason is they all run out and try to chase me and it's pretty tough not to notice. Not only that but I have a couple escape methods to make it even more difficult to catch me. Instead, players should try to bait a player in, or have the part of the group with heavy CC circle around to my escape route (generally toward the safe zone). This way if I try to run to safety, I'm running through the worst part of the group to run through.
Tip 2: Time your knockdowns/snares
There is nothing more obnoxious than four Berserkers all burning their knockdowns, the enemy getting up, then running away with no way to stop him. Try to arrange it within your group before hand who knock downs first, second, third. This way a player has no way to escape. If a player is going to PvP, they need to take all knockdowns/snares that they can for their class. This means that Defenders should spec into sorcerer to pick up frost skills as should clerics.
Tip 3: In, burst, out
This is one of the toughest things for a lot of people to get their heads around. There is very little reason to stay in the middle of the fray since your best skills will be on CD. Even for Berserkers who do significant damage with normal attacks, staying in the fray makes you a big target that's not moving. Its tough for clerics to keep anybody other than defenders alive in PvP, this means if you're not a defender and you take big damage, it may be a bit before you get healed up. Run in, blow your skills, run out and around, run in, blow your skills.
Tip 4: Take PvP skills
This one seems obvious but every class has skills that are created for PvP. These skills are normal stuns, instant casts, snares, heals, interrupts, etc. For example, if you're a Berserker and you aren't able to berserk/furious dash/tranquility you're going to have a rough time. All classes have skills that are for PvP, take them.
Tip 5: Use your environment
This is the difference in a lot of group battles. There are narrow paths, hills, dead ends. All these things allow you to corner and catch enemies or in some cases for you to escape. Be aware of if an enemy will be in a choke point and take advantage of that. If the enemy has tons of escapes, fighting there is probably a waste of time. Be aware of your environment and how to use it.
That's all the tips for today. Outside of that, there are particulars for each class, but during PvP, you will die if you try to go alone, so try to get with a group.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Raiderz Power Leveling
Raiderz is probably one of the first games where I didn't find it completely necessary to powerlevel. In most other games I found leveling to be a monotonous chore, but in Raiderz leveling is pretty enjoyable. That being said, some players prefer to power level, and with that in mind I'm going to offer a quick guide on it.
Quests: Quests in Raiderz are actually the fastest way to gain experience because completing them offers substantial chunks of XP. Each zone has various quest hubs and they are really well organized. The rule is you should do every quest at a hub before running to the next hub. All hubs in the game follow this format.
Repeatable Quests: Early in the game (Pre-Level 25) Repeatable quests are a huge waste of time. You are actually given enough experience to move through the main story to the next quests as long as you do all of them at the hub. Once you hit level 25, if you've streamlined the process and purely quested you may find yourself at a strange lull. This normally happens in Riode. Fortunately Riode has several repeatable quests where both the quests and objectives are right next to each other. This can feel like a grind so I suggest Mt. Eda.
The real place you should be questing though if you can get a solid group of five is Mt. Eda normal. The repeatable PvP quests pay very well and if you're worried about too many PvPers switch to a channel without many people and rush objectives as a group. Raiderz makes leveling easy and fun in this zone.
Dungeons: Garden, Catacombs, and St. Flannel are the dungeons you can farm to level. I recommend only running Garden as much as you have to (once). Catacombs is a fantastic payoff in XP but requires you have a good group. The same goes for St. Flannel.
Suggested Route: Power Quest the zones until you hit Riode. Once you hit Riode complete the main story quests there then pump out extra levels in Mt. Eda. With a really good group I would also suggest power farming Flannel for XP.
Quick Tips:
1) Buy a bird as soon as you can. Increased speed equals increased leveling.
2) Do not worry about the Garden item set. Catacombs is right around the same level and running it gives significantly better XP.
3) Catacombs set can last you all the way through Riode if you're capable, so don't worry about farming items for the other sets.
4) Group up with people doing the same quests as you, especially if the quests are to kill a certain number of mobs.
5) If you don't want to group and are having trouble with too many players, switch channels.
Quests: Quests in Raiderz are actually the fastest way to gain experience because completing them offers substantial chunks of XP. Each zone has various quest hubs and they are really well organized. The rule is you should do every quest at a hub before running to the next hub. All hubs in the game follow this format.
Repeatable Quests: Early in the game (Pre-Level 25) Repeatable quests are a huge waste of time. You are actually given enough experience to move through the main story to the next quests as long as you do all of them at the hub. Once you hit level 25, if you've streamlined the process and purely quested you may find yourself at a strange lull. This normally happens in Riode. Fortunately Riode has several repeatable quests where both the quests and objectives are right next to each other. This can feel like a grind so I suggest Mt. Eda.
The real place you should be questing though if you can get a solid group of five is Mt. Eda normal. The repeatable PvP quests pay very well and if you're worried about too many PvPers switch to a channel without many people and rush objectives as a group. Raiderz makes leveling easy and fun in this zone.
Dungeons: Garden, Catacombs, and St. Flannel are the dungeons you can farm to level. I recommend only running Garden as much as you have to (once). Catacombs is a fantastic payoff in XP but requires you have a good group. The same goes for St. Flannel.
Suggested Route: Power Quest the zones until you hit Riode. Once you hit Riode complete the main story quests there then pump out extra levels in Mt. Eda. With a really good group I would also suggest power farming Flannel for XP.
Quick Tips:
1) Buy a bird as soon as you can. Increased speed equals increased leveling.
2) Do not worry about the Garden item set. Catacombs is right around the same level and running it gives significantly better XP.
3) Catacombs set can last you all the way through Riode if you're capable, so don't worry about farming items for the other sets.
4) Group up with people doing the same quests as you, especially if the quests are to kill a certain number of mobs.
5) If you don't want to group and are having trouble with too many players, switch channels.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Berserker Strength or Agility?
There is a big concern over Strength vs Agility for Berserkers. Gemming for either is viable on certain circumstances but Strength comes out on top.
Gemming for Crit:
When a player gems for crit damage they are gemming for burst. When a player gems for burst they gain additional chances are creating massive damage strikes which is always fun, especially in PvP, but they are also weakening their overall damage in exchange for the ability.
Now, for a lot of players, they dive in, blow their cooldowns, then run away. For this type of play style gemming for agility as a Berserker definitely feels better. The downside is that when you gem for crit, if you don't get the strike, you do very little damage. It's a gamble.
Gemming for Damage:
When a player gems for damage they are gemming for consistency. When a player gems for consistency they get fewer big spikes in damage, but they get fewer low strikes as well. Gemming for damage is less fun because you don't get that lucky three smacks that makes an enemy wonder 'what the hell happened'.
Gemming for Strength as a Berserker requires a player to pepper in a lot of normal strikes to get extra use out of the strength since your normal attacks will be very powerful. The downside is if you're hanging in the fight to do additional damage you can be targeted and take damage.
Why should Berserkers gem for strength?
Consistency. All of your strikes will do more damage and your crits will do more damage. If you go into a fight with a crit build and lay on the opponent and you get a bad run, they will escape with decent health. If you go into a fight with a strength build and have an equally bad run, they are more likely to die. If you get a great run with either build they're going to die.
Both have their advantages but in the end, the crit from using mail and two handed sword brings more than enough crit to the table. You can never have enough pure damage.
Finally, some math.
Base: 100pts damage, 10% crit. 100 strikes. 11000 damage.
STR: 150pts damage, 10% crit. 100 strikes. 16500 damage.
Crit: 100pts damage, 30% crit. 100 strikes. 13000 damage.
Crit 2: 100pts damage, 50% crit. 100 strikes. 15000 damage.
Crit 3: 100pts damage, 70% crit. 100 strikes. 17000 damage.
Gemming for Crit:
When a player gems for crit damage they are gemming for burst. When a player gems for burst they gain additional chances are creating massive damage strikes which is always fun, especially in PvP, but they are also weakening their overall damage in exchange for the ability.
Now, for a lot of players, they dive in, blow their cooldowns, then run away. For this type of play style gemming for agility as a Berserker definitely feels better. The downside is that when you gem for crit, if you don't get the strike, you do very little damage. It's a gamble.
Gemming for Damage:
When a player gems for damage they are gemming for consistency. When a player gems for consistency they get fewer big spikes in damage, but they get fewer low strikes as well. Gemming for damage is less fun because you don't get that lucky three smacks that makes an enemy wonder 'what the hell happened'.
Gemming for Strength as a Berserker requires a player to pepper in a lot of normal strikes to get extra use out of the strength since your normal attacks will be very powerful. The downside is if you're hanging in the fight to do additional damage you can be targeted and take damage.
Why should Berserkers gem for strength?
Consistency. All of your strikes will do more damage and your crits will do more damage. If you go into a fight with a crit build and lay on the opponent and you get a bad run, they will escape with decent health. If you go into a fight with a strength build and have an equally bad run, they are more likely to die. If you get a great run with either build they're going to die.
Both have their advantages but in the end, the crit from using mail and two handed sword brings more than enough crit to the table. You can never have enough pure damage.
Finally, some math.
Base: 100pts damage, 10% crit. 100 strikes. 11000 damage.
STR: 150pts damage, 10% crit. 100 strikes. 16500 damage.
Crit: 100pts damage, 30% crit. 100 strikes. 13000 damage.
Crit 2: 100pts damage, 50% crit. 100 strikes. 15000 damage.
Crit 3: 100pts damage, 70% crit. 100 strikes. 17000 damage.
Defender DPS Build
Some people like to play all the classes with an emphasis on damage, and there's nothing wrong with this. As long as a Defender is able to still accomplish their job there is no reason to worry about them being focused on dealing damage. This build revolves around dealing heavy damage.
Pros and Cons:
High Damage
High Mobility
High CC
Lower Survivability
Timing based
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Strike of Ruin: Heavy damage along with a sure crit on the next strike. This skill is great for getting a combo started.
5/5 Stunning Smash: Although the name makes you think there will be a stun, it's actually an interrupt that allows you to get in there and start your combo. It's also does monstrous damage in your combination with shield slam.
1/3 Rush: A chase and stun maneuver. It also triggers counterattack which is a key element in playing Defenders. Keep in mind it can also be used to dodge.
5/5 One-Handed Weapon Mastery: 10% increase do One-Handed Damage. Enough said.
Tier 2:
3/5 Massive Strike: I would 5/5 this if points allowed. Massive damage with stun.
Tier 3:
3/3 Piercing Strike: Stacking magic and defense reduction. Great for PvE although in PvP very few targets will stay in place long enough to land it consistently. This is a mammoth dps increase not only for you, but for your group.
1/3 Rapid Assault: A stun that does not remove counterattack makes this a nice one for stopping/stunlocking enemies. It's also a stepping stone to Shield Slam so it's a must take.
1/1 Fortifying Should: You need the stamina generation and honestly you need to get to the roar which is necessary in PvP and bad group pulls in PvE.
Tier 4:
1/3 Chaotic Strike: Damage attack that interrupts and regains your stamina if it lands. It's a nice skill to have in both PvE and PvP.
2/5 Slam: I would 5/5 this if points allowed. Massive damage and stun. Although it's on a long cooldown and more useful in PvP, this skill just does solid damage.
Tier 5:
3/5 Shield Slam: A very powerful skill. I would place more points in this if they were available. It's a very powerful attack with a stun and your main follow up to stunning smash.
1/3 Encouraging shout: You will virtually never use this and are only using it to get to threaten.
Tier 6:
1/1 Evasive Strike: This is your only legitimate escape if you're caught off guard. Highly necessary for this build. Use it often.
Tier 7:
1/3 Threaten: Although it doesn't have a pure effect on your damage, you are lacking survivability, making this a handy oh shit button.
Sorcerer Tier 1:
1/3 Ice Arrow: Good for pulling and chasing enemies. The best part is it can be cast while moving. Very necessary for safer pulls in dungeons.
1/5 Ice Thorns: AoE slow. Primarily used for grouping mobs in PvE and snaring players in PvP. Very necessary since slowing your enemies may save your life.
Why no comeback?
Because in order for you to be useful in PvE and PvP with this build you will need to focus on either avoiding damage entirely or stunning your way out. A slow heal isn't going to save you.
Why go into Sorcerer Tree?
Defenders don't have a ranged pull for PvE so Ice Arrow is helpful in that. They have stuns in PvP but if they can't slow to catch a player those stuns are useless, it also adds an escape mechanism for them.
Plate. No arguments. Just plate. You will want to focus on plate with strength on it. If you really want to push heavy dps you could swap into mail, but...just no.
Sword and Board. By far the best option but also using mace and shield is viable.
Strength. In a dps build only strength is acceptable. Your skills have massive increases in damage since it's not expected for defender to push damage. This means you will burst extremely high with strength.
The toughest part of this build is you don't just sit there and take the pain, you avoid it and dish it out. This build is designed for you to rush in, lay out ruin, lay out stunning smash and shield slam, then pound out more heavy damage CC until your combo is off cooldown. In a PvE environment you're going to be dodging, blocking, and striking back with huge damage. Keep in mind you will need to try to avoid damage by using evasive strike on CD and slowing the enemies with frost skills. Overall, Raiderz allows for Defender DPS Builds, but with the strength they bring, players need to learn to dodge instead of always block.
Pros and Cons:
High Damage
High Mobility
High CC
Lower Survivability
Timing based
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Strike of Ruin: Heavy damage along with a sure crit on the next strike. This skill is great for getting a combo started.
5/5 Stunning Smash: Although the name makes you think there will be a stun, it's actually an interrupt that allows you to get in there and start your combo. It's also does monstrous damage in your combination with shield slam.
1/3 Rush: A chase and stun maneuver. It also triggers counterattack which is a key element in playing Defenders. Keep in mind it can also be used to dodge.
5/5 One-Handed Weapon Mastery: 10% increase do One-Handed Damage. Enough said.
Tier 2:
3/5 Massive Strike: I would 5/5 this if points allowed. Massive damage with stun.
Tier 3:
3/3 Piercing Strike: Stacking magic and defense reduction. Great for PvE although in PvP very few targets will stay in place long enough to land it consistently. This is a mammoth dps increase not only for you, but for your group.
1/3 Rapid Assault: A stun that does not remove counterattack makes this a nice one for stopping/stunlocking enemies. It's also a stepping stone to Shield Slam so it's a must take.
1/1 Fortifying Should: You need the stamina generation and honestly you need to get to the roar which is necessary in PvP and bad group pulls in PvE.
Tier 4:
1/3 Chaotic Strike: Damage attack that interrupts and regains your stamina if it lands. It's a nice skill to have in both PvE and PvP.
2/5 Slam: I would 5/5 this if points allowed. Massive damage and stun. Although it's on a long cooldown and more useful in PvP, this skill just does solid damage.
Tier 5:
3/5 Shield Slam: A very powerful skill. I would place more points in this if they were available. It's a very powerful attack with a stun and your main follow up to stunning smash.
1/3 Encouraging shout: You will virtually never use this and are only using it to get to threaten.
Tier 6:
1/1 Evasive Strike: This is your only legitimate escape if you're caught off guard. Highly necessary for this build. Use it often.
Tier 7:
1/3 Threaten: Although it doesn't have a pure effect on your damage, you are lacking survivability, making this a handy oh shit button.
Sorcerer Tier 1:
1/3 Ice Arrow: Good for pulling and chasing enemies. The best part is it can be cast while moving. Very necessary for safer pulls in dungeons.
1/5 Ice Thorns: AoE slow. Primarily used for grouping mobs in PvE and snaring players in PvP. Very necessary since slowing your enemies may save your life.
Why no comeback?
Because in order for you to be useful in PvE and PvP with this build you will need to focus on either avoiding damage entirely or stunning your way out. A slow heal isn't going to save you.
Why go into Sorcerer Tree?
Defenders don't have a ranged pull for PvE so Ice Arrow is helpful in that. They have stuns in PvP but if they can't slow to catch a player those stuns are useless, it also adds an escape mechanism for them.
Plate. No arguments. Just plate. You will want to focus on plate with strength on it. If you really want to push heavy dps you could swap into mail, but...just no.
Sword and Board. By far the best option but also using mace and shield is viable.
Strength. In a dps build only strength is acceptable. Your skills have massive increases in damage since it's not expected for defender to push damage. This means you will burst extremely high with strength.
The toughest part of this build is you don't just sit there and take the pain, you avoid it and dish it out. This build is designed for you to rush in, lay out ruin, lay out stunning smash and shield slam, then pound out more heavy damage CC until your combo is off cooldown. In a PvE environment you're going to be dodging, blocking, and striking back with huge damage. Keep in mind you will need to try to avoid damage by using evasive strike on CD and slowing the enemies with frost skills. Overall, Raiderz allows for Defender DPS Builds, but with the strength they bring, players need to learn to dodge instead of always block.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Raiderz Factions
Many games have special purposes for Factions so players can often bash their head on a wall figuring out which ones to level and which ones to choose.
The Tiers of Reputation with any faction are Very Hostile, Hostile, Neutral, Friendly, Very Friendly, Trustworthy. Reaching higher tiers normally unlocks different perk. Generally a player achieves Neutral through a quest, achieves Friendly by gaining 5500 reputation points, Very Friendly by gaining 12500 Reputation Points.'
I only noted the levels at which something is unlocked.
Factions and Rewards and Locations:
Oliver's Table - Ingen
Friendly: Unlocks Food Buffs
Very Friendly: Unlocks Oliver's Kitchen
Renasin Follower - Ingen
Very Friendly: Potion Discounts
Rendel Knights - Rengot Village
Currently no perks
Edwards Kitchen - Rietz (Requires player be Very Friendly With Oliver's Table)
Very Friendly: Unlocks New Food Buffs
Makot Clan - Makot Village
Neutral: They stop attacking you. This faction offers no bonuses but is required for story progression.
Fighting Factions:
The Mad Eye and White Yeti tribes are PvP factions. Both offer the same rewards but players will fight against the opposite faction during PvP. This faction can be reset if a player changes their mind but the reputation will be reset.
Mad Eye Tribe - Mt. Eda
Very Friendly: Able to craft rare gear and gain a buff from the chief.
White Yeti Tribe - Mt. Eda
Very Friendly: Able to craft rare gear and gain a buff from the chief.
Red Mad Eye Tribe - Epic Mt. Eda
Trustworthy: Able to craft Lycian Mount
Frosty White Yeti Tribe - Epic Mt. Eda
Trustworthy: Able to craft Lycian Mount
The Tiers of Reputation with any faction are Very Hostile, Hostile, Neutral, Friendly, Very Friendly, Trustworthy. Reaching higher tiers normally unlocks different perk. Generally a player achieves Neutral through a quest, achieves Friendly by gaining 5500 reputation points, Very Friendly by gaining 12500 Reputation Points.'
I only noted the levels at which something is unlocked.
Factions and Rewards and Locations:
Oliver's Table - Ingen
Friendly: Unlocks Food Buffs
Very Friendly: Unlocks Oliver's Kitchen
Renasin Follower - Ingen
Very Friendly: Potion Discounts
Rendel Knights - Rengot Village
Currently no perks
Edwards Kitchen - Rietz (Requires player be Very Friendly With Oliver's Table)
Very Friendly: Unlocks New Food Buffs
Makot Clan - Makot Village
Neutral: They stop attacking you. This faction offers no bonuses but is required for story progression.
Fighting Factions:
The Mad Eye and White Yeti tribes are PvP factions. Both offer the same rewards but players will fight against the opposite faction during PvP. This faction can be reset if a player changes their mind but the reputation will be reset.
Mad Eye Tribe - Mt. Eda
Very Friendly: Able to craft rare gear and gain a buff from the chief.
White Yeti Tribe - Mt. Eda
Very Friendly: Able to craft rare gear and gain a buff from the chief.
Red Mad Eye Tribe - Epic Mt. Eda
Trustworthy: Able to craft Lycian Mount
Frosty White Yeti Tribe - Epic Mt. Eda
Trustworthy: Able to craft Lycian Mount
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Are the Bans too little too late?
The short answer from me is better late than never. There's a lot of upset people who's accounts are getting banned for exploiting, but honestly I don't see that as the issue. Instead, what I see as the issue is that there are a lot of players upset because they are seeing other players skate through unharmed. On some servers there are entire guilds of exploiters that are going completely unpunished.
What's the big deal?
It sends the message that the developers don't care about the players and are going to play favorites. It sends the message that some people are above the law. Finally, it sends the message that you can cheat to win, and people don't want to cheat to win a game.
Send a CLEAR message!
Only by sending a clear message will you squash the rumors. The message you want to send it cheating won't be tolerated. Instead the message you sent was cheating will be tolerated if you're not caught. The developers are so frightened of what might happen, that they do nothing and watches how it goes, that's the worst mistake a company can make.
Rollbacks and Item Wipes
I understand being afraid of losing a player base, but sometimes it's better to cut off the diseased limb rather than let it rot away the entire body. Right now you have a disease. Players that you want in your community are leaving because they can't compete with cheaters, they want to stay, but they don't want to play in an environment that fosters and rewards cheaters.
The only way to convince players that you mean business, and you won't allow cheating in any form, is to bring down the hammer. These people completely destroyed active servers and every day they are allowed to continue to remain, players leave. But worst of all, every article like this one gamers read, makes them not even want to play Raiderz. The fact that its so new and players like me are willing to lose all their items, it sends a message it's out of control.
Get it together, nut up, and make the tough decision. Nuke the bastards to show them you mean business.
What's the big deal?
It sends the message that the developers don't care about the players and are going to play favorites. It sends the message that some people are above the law. Finally, it sends the message that you can cheat to win, and people don't want to cheat to win a game.
Send a CLEAR message!
Only by sending a clear message will you squash the rumors. The message you want to send it cheating won't be tolerated. Instead the message you sent was cheating will be tolerated if you're not caught. The developers are so frightened of what might happen, that they do nothing and watches how it goes, that's the worst mistake a company can make.
Rollbacks and Item Wipes
I understand being afraid of losing a player base, but sometimes it's better to cut off the diseased limb rather than let it rot away the entire body. Right now you have a disease. Players that you want in your community are leaving because they can't compete with cheaters, they want to stay, but they don't want to play in an environment that fosters and rewards cheaters.
The only way to convince players that you mean business, and you won't allow cheating in any form, is to bring down the hammer. These people completely destroyed active servers and every day they are allowed to continue to remain, players leave. But worst of all, every article like this one gamers read, makes them not even want to play Raiderz. The fact that its so new and players like me are willing to lose all their items, it sends a message it's out of control.
Get it together, nut up, and make the tough decision. Nuke the bastards to show them you mean business.
Defender Tank Build
Defenders are the tank class in PvE for Raiderz. Although there are very few players who choose to go full PvE there is still a demand for them and will be higher demands as the game releases future patches. This build is centered around being the best tank you can be.
Pros and Cons:
Extremely High Survivability
High Mobility
High CC
Low Damage
Long Cooldowns.
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
1/5 Stunning Smash: Although the name makes you think there will be a stun, it's actually an interrupt that allows you to get in there and start your combo. This is necessary for bosses but for the purpose of this build anything over 1 point is unnecessary.
2/3 Rush: A chase and stun maneuver. It also triggers counterattack which is a key element in playing Defenders. Should be used almost every time its off cooldown. Two points used in order to reach tier three.
5/5 One-Handed Weapon Mastery: 10% increase do One-Handed Damage. Although this is a defense build it would be in poor taste to ignore such a good skill.
Tier 2:
1/5 Massive Strike: Massive damage with stun. This skill is going to be one of your heaviest hitting abilities while fighting.
3/3 Comeback: Although the heal appears small it adds up turning you into a regenerating tank while defending.
Tier 3:
3/3 Piercing Strike: Stacking magic and defense reduction. This skill may not generate the most damage out of you, but its debuff will increase your parties damage output significantly. It should be maintained at all times.
1/3 Rapid Assault: A stun that does not remove counterattack makes this a nice one for stopping/stunlocking enemies. It's also a stepping stone to Shield Slam. There's no reason not to put a point in it.
3/3 Fortifying Shout: Increases groups stamina generation by a lot. This is your go to shout to ensure you always have enough energy to dodge duck dip dive and dodge.
3/3 Defense Mastery: Increases the chance to fully block attacks and increases damage reduction. You will be able to take a beating with this maxed.
Tier 4:
1/3 Chaotic Strike: Damage attack that interrupts and regains your stamina if it lands. It's important to have to keep your stamina high.
1/5 Slam: Massive damage and stun. Really no reason not to put the points in it.
3/3 Bastion: Damage reduction increased by 20% but mostly taken because it allows you to block unblockable attacks. The three points increase the duration.
Tier 5:
1/5 Shield Slam: A very powerful skill and one of the few ways you have to dish out a beating and stun.
2/2 Resilience: When blocking successfully it increases stamina regeneration. It also adds stamina regen to Comeback. Between this skill, comeback, fortifying shout, and chaotic strike you should always have stamina.
Tier 6:
1/1 Evasive Strike: This is your only legitimate escape if you're caught off guard and need to dodge a boss attack. On top of this it forces the counterattack buff.
1/3 Impact Recovery: Party damage reduction buff. Using this on CD along with other skill turn you into a fortress.
Tier 7:
1/3 Steel Wall: Very large group damage reduction. When used properly it's a lifesaver.
2/2 Retribution: This is going to be one of the key ways you keep up damage and kiting. Each block will offer a significant damage and speed buff.
Why no encouraging or threatening shout?
This build is built around keeping yourself and your part alive. Encouraging shout doesn't help you stay alive and since only one shout can be active you would lose your stamina buff. Although a cleric/sorcerer may like the energy regen, it won't help you or your berserkers so take the one that helps everybody. Threatening should is just more PvP orientated.
Why not more DPS?
This could be a legitimate question especially for PvP. I find that for PvE where bosses and mobs are predictable it's more important to take those extra survival skills. I take each of the stunning skills to keep the crowd controlled and the other skills keep you alive while you do it. Retribution offers a very large damage buff and the constant stamina regeneration makes a lot more of your skills spammable. Although the damage output isn't massive, it's nothing to ignore.
Look for plate with high health and defensive stats. Since comeback returns a percentage of your health having high armor, magic resist, and health makes you virtually invincible.
Sword and Board. By far the best option but also using mace and shield is viable.
Strength. Although an argument could be made for gemming for more defensive stats, your skills will be bringing plenty of defense to the table. Strength is a solid increase to your auto attacks.
The toughest part of this build is missing out on some massive burst damage from leveling some of your heavy hits. The other end of the coin is that the more you are able to soak damage the less your party members need to take hits. Also the less your Cleric needs to heal you, the more he can heal that Berserker that doesn't know how to dodge.
Pros and Cons:
Extremely High Survivability
High Mobility
High CC
Low Damage
Long Cooldowns.
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
1/5 Stunning Smash: Although the name makes you think there will be a stun, it's actually an interrupt that allows you to get in there and start your combo. This is necessary for bosses but for the purpose of this build anything over 1 point is unnecessary.
2/3 Rush: A chase and stun maneuver. It also triggers counterattack which is a key element in playing Defenders. Should be used almost every time its off cooldown. Two points used in order to reach tier three.
5/5 One-Handed Weapon Mastery: 10% increase do One-Handed Damage. Although this is a defense build it would be in poor taste to ignore such a good skill.
Tier 2:
1/5 Massive Strike: Massive damage with stun. This skill is going to be one of your heaviest hitting abilities while fighting.
3/3 Comeback: Although the heal appears small it adds up turning you into a regenerating tank while defending.
Tier 3:
3/3 Piercing Strike: Stacking magic and defense reduction. This skill may not generate the most damage out of you, but its debuff will increase your parties damage output significantly. It should be maintained at all times.
1/3 Rapid Assault: A stun that does not remove counterattack makes this a nice one for stopping/stunlocking enemies. It's also a stepping stone to Shield Slam. There's no reason not to put a point in it.
3/3 Fortifying Shout: Increases groups stamina generation by a lot. This is your go to shout to ensure you always have enough energy to dodge duck dip dive and dodge.
3/3 Defense Mastery: Increases the chance to fully block attacks and increases damage reduction. You will be able to take a beating with this maxed.
Tier 4:
1/3 Chaotic Strike: Damage attack that interrupts and regains your stamina if it lands. It's important to have to keep your stamina high.
1/5 Slam: Massive damage and stun. Really no reason not to put the points in it.
3/3 Bastion: Damage reduction increased by 20% but mostly taken because it allows you to block unblockable attacks. The three points increase the duration.
Tier 5:
1/5 Shield Slam: A very powerful skill and one of the few ways you have to dish out a beating and stun.
2/2 Resilience: When blocking successfully it increases stamina regeneration. It also adds stamina regen to Comeback. Between this skill, comeback, fortifying shout, and chaotic strike you should always have stamina.
Tier 6:
1/1 Evasive Strike: This is your only legitimate escape if you're caught off guard and need to dodge a boss attack. On top of this it forces the counterattack buff.
1/3 Impact Recovery: Party damage reduction buff. Using this on CD along with other skill turn you into a fortress.
Tier 7:
1/3 Steel Wall: Very large group damage reduction. When used properly it's a lifesaver.
2/2 Retribution: This is going to be one of the key ways you keep up damage and kiting. Each block will offer a significant damage and speed buff.
Why no encouraging or threatening shout?
This build is built around keeping yourself and your part alive. Encouraging shout doesn't help you stay alive and since only one shout can be active you would lose your stamina buff. Although a cleric/sorcerer may like the energy regen, it won't help you or your berserkers so take the one that helps everybody. Threatening should is just more PvP orientated.
Why not more DPS?
This could be a legitimate question especially for PvP. I find that for PvE where bosses and mobs are predictable it's more important to take those extra survival skills. I take each of the stunning skills to keep the crowd controlled and the other skills keep you alive while you do it. Retribution offers a very large damage buff and the constant stamina regeneration makes a lot more of your skills spammable. Although the damage output isn't massive, it's nothing to ignore.
Look for plate with high health and defensive stats. Since comeback returns a percentage of your health having high armor, magic resist, and health makes you virtually invincible.
Sword and Board. By far the best option but also using mace and shield is viable.
Strength. Although an argument could be made for gemming for more defensive stats, your skills will be bringing plenty of defense to the table. Strength is a solid increase to your auto attacks.
The toughest part of this build is missing out on some massive burst damage from leveling some of your heavy hits. The other end of the coin is that the more you are able to soak damage the less your party members need to take hits. Also the less your Cleric needs to heal you, the more he can heal that Berserker that doesn't know how to dodge.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Defender PvP/PvE Build
Defenders are the tank class in PvE for Raiderz and the crowd control/initiator of PvP in Raiderz. This makes them a very powerful class in the game. Looking at the Defender skill tree can be one of the most difficult tasks because every skill appears useful. This is different from other classes that blatantly have less useful skills.
Pros and Cons:
High Survivability
High Mobility
High CC
Medium Damage
Timing based
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Strike of Ruin: Heavy damage along with a sure crit on the next strike. This skill is great for getting a combo started.
1/5 Stunning Smash: Although the name makes you think there will be a stun, it's actually an interrupt that allows you to get in there and start your combo.
1/3 Rush: A chase and stun maneuver. It also triggers counterattack which is a key element in playing Defenders.
5/5 One-Handed Weapon Mastery: 10% increase do One-Handed Damage. Enough said.
Tier 2:
4/5 Massive Strike: I would 5/5 this if points allowed. Massive damage with stun.
1/3 Comeback: Small heal. Mostly taken to get at damage reduction skills.
Tier 3:
1/3 Piercing Strike: Stacking magic and defense reduction. Great for PvE although in PvP very few targets will stay in place long enough to land it consistently.
1/3 Rapid Assault: A stun that does not remove counterattack makes this a nice one for stopping/stunlocking enemies. It's also a stepping stone to Shield Slam.
2/3 Defense Mastery: Increases the chance to fully block attacks and increases damage reduction. Great for PvE and if you have fantastic timing in PvP.
Tier 4:
1/3 Chaotic Strike: Damage attack that interrupts and regains your stamina if it lands. It's a nice skill to have in both PvE and PvP.
4/5 Slam: I would 5/5 this if points allowed. Massive damage and stun.
1/3 Bastion: Damage reduction increased by 20% but mostly taken because it allows you to block unblockable attacks.
Tier 5:
1/5 Shield Slam: A very powerful skill. I would place more points in this if they were available. It's a very powerful attack with a stun.
1/2 Resilience: When blocking successfully it increases stamina regeneration. It also adds stamina regen to Comeback. Great skill for PvE but doesn't warrant two points.
Tier 6:
1/3 Cyclone Strike: Decent attack damage but offers a 10% attack speed buff. Worth one point, no more though.
1/1 Evasive Strike: This is your only legitimate escape if you're caught off guard. Necessary.
1/3 Impact Recovery: Party damage reduction buff. Good for both PvE and PvP.
Tier 7:
1/3 Steel Wall: Very large group damage reduction. Great for both PvE and PvP.
Sorcerer Tier 1:
1/3 Ice Arrow: Good for pulling and chasing enemies. The best part is it can be cast while moving.
1/5 Ice Thorns: AoE slow. Primarily used for grouping mobs in PvE and snaring players in PvP.
Why no shouts?
The skills are nice but at this stage in the game they don't really bring a huge benefit to the table. Most classes are able to regulate their stamina and energy effectively. Bringing the extra damage to the table helps more in both PvP and PvE.
Why go into Sorcerer Tree?
Defenders don't have a ranged pull for PvE so Ice Arrow is helpful in that. They have stuns in PvP but if they can't slow to catch a player those stuns are useless, it also adds an escape mechanism for them.
Plate. No arguments. Just plate.
Sword and Board. By far the best option but also using mace and shield is viable.
Strength. Some people may argue to gem for survivability but Defenders don't need more, they have plenty. Strength adds to their damage output, helping in PvP and PvE.
The toughest part of defenders is that they have so many viable skills. Defenders are a stun heavy class that are made to mitigate boss damage while dishing out some pain. In PvP they are made to bait, dive, and CC. This build sets them up for large amounts of damage and CC while maintaining most of their tankiness for PvE.
Pros and Cons:
High Survivability
High Mobility
High CC
Medium Damage
Timing based
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Strike of Ruin: Heavy damage along with a sure crit on the next strike. This skill is great for getting a combo started.
1/5 Stunning Smash: Although the name makes you think there will be a stun, it's actually an interrupt that allows you to get in there and start your combo.
1/3 Rush: A chase and stun maneuver. It also triggers counterattack which is a key element in playing Defenders.
5/5 One-Handed Weapon Mastery: 10% increase do One-Handed Damage. Enough said.
Tier 2:
4/5 Massive Strike: I would 5/5 this if points allowed. Massive damage with stun.
1/3 Comeback: Small heal. Mostly taken to get at damage reduction skills.
Tier 3:
1/3 Piercing Strike: Stacking magic and defense reduction. Great for PvE although in PvP very few targets will stay in place long enough to land it consistently.
1/3 Rapid Assault: A stun that does not remove counterattack makes this a nice one for stopping/stunlocking enemies. It's also a stepping stone to Shield Slam.
2/3 Defense Mastery: Increases the chance to fully block attacks and increases damage reduction. Great for PvE and if you have fantastic timing in PvP.
Tier 4:
1/3 Chaotic Strike: Damage attack that interrupts and regains your stamina if it lands. It's a nice skill to have in both PvE and PvP.
4/5 Slam: I would 5/5 this if points allowed. Massive damage and stun.
1/3 Bastion: Damage reduction increased by 20% but mostly taken because it allows you to block unblockable attacks.
Tier 5:
1/5 Shield Slam: A very powerful skill. I would place more points in this if they were available. It's a very powerful attack with a stun.
1/2 Resilience: When blocking successfully it increases stamina regeneration. It also adds stamina regen to Comeback. Great skill for PvE but doesn't warrant two points.
Tier 6:
1/3 Cyclone Strike: Decent attack damage but offers a 10% attack speed buff. Worth one point, no more though.
1/1 Evasive Strike: This is your only legitimate escape if you're caught off guard. Necessary.
1/3 Impact Recovery: Party damage reduction buff. Good for both PvE and PvP.
Tier 7:
1/3 Steel Wall: Very large group damage reduction. Great for both PvE and PvP.
Sorcerer Tier 1:
1/3 Ice Arrow: Good for pulling and chasing enemies. The best part is it can be cast while moving.
1/5 Ice Thorns: AoE slow. Primarily used for grouping mobs in PvE and snaring players in PvP.
Why no shouts?
The skills are nice but at this stage in the game they don't really bring a huge benefit to the table. Most classes are able to regulate their stamina and energy effectively. Bringing the extra damage to the table helps more in both PvP and PvE.
Why go into Sorcerer Tree?
Defenders don't have a ranged pull for PvE so Ice Arrow is helpful in that. They have stuns in PvP but if they can't slow to catch a player those stuns are useless, it also adds an escape mechanism for them.
Plate. No arguments. Just plate.
Sword and Board. By far the best option but also using mace and shield is viable.
Strength. Some people may argue to gem for survivability but Defenders don't need more, they have plenty. Strength adds to their damage output, helping in PvP and PvE.
The toughest part of defenders is that they have so many viable skills. Defenders are a stun heavy class that are made to mitigate boss damage while dishing out some pain. In PvP they are made to bait, dive, and CC. This build sets them up for large amounts of damage and CC while maintaining most of their tankiness for PvE.
Berserker PvE Build
Berserkers can be looked at as the cookie cutter class of Raiderz. They are very easy to play initially but at high levels players find themselves fumbling with Berserkers. The class is heavily dependent on stamina and timing in order to stay alive, but when played well they can offer massive damage for the group.
Pros and Cons:
Heavy Damage
High Mobility
High HP
In melee range
Stamina depletes quickly
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Crush: Your main damage dealing ability as well as a powerful knockdown. This skill should be taken immediately and a point put in pretty much every chance until maxed.
2/3 Dodge Attack: A second point is taken partially because you have to, and partially because at level two it exposes weaknesses in enemies.
5/5 War Weapon Mastery: 10% increase to damage. Enough Said.
Tier 2:
3/3 Neutralize: Key combo starter and interrupt for players and mobs alike. This skill is necessary.
Tier 3:
5/5 Nocturne: Instant cast extremely powerful attack. Each level increases its damage by 60% offering one of the best returns on investments.
3/3 No Mercy: Increased critical damage. Enough said.
Tier 4:
1/3 Upward Strike: Dodge and counter attack with an expose weakness. Nice skill overall but doesn't warrant more than one point.
Tier 5:
1/3 Bash: Taken primarily for the knockback. Although this skill can be a lifesaver it is also one of the most annoying skills a Berserker can use while in a group.
2/5 Armageddon Crush: A double attack that does decent damage.
2/2 Grievous Wound: Overall great skill. Decreases targets movement speed so you can chase them when they start to run off. Helps with annoying mobs in PvE and PvP.
Tier 6:
2/5 Crushing: Would put five points here if I could. Although it can only chain after crush or upward strike it is a powerful attack.
1/1 Escape: It can save your life in PvE when you get in over your head, as well as PvP. It's a necessary skill given that Berserkers don't have a way to heal or any solid escape mechanisms.
Tier 7:
1/3 Tornado: AoE damage skill that offers four strikes. This skill has close to the output of Nocturne in AoE form. This is a great skill.
2/2 Blood of the Berserker: Some people do not agree with putting two points in this skill but personally I love it. You need the increased movement speed, damage, and stamina and since you will be in melee range in all fights you can expect to be using it.
What happened to the berserk tree?
All the skills are more heavily associated with PvP and have little PvE use. This is the primary difference between a Berserker that wishes to push PvE over PvP. While Berserking is one of the key aspects of the class, auto attacks are easy to land on mobs so you should active Berserk without issue.
Why no Buffalo Charge?
I don't like it. It's just not a great skill. You will find that you're running on empty stamina more often than you'd expect as is. Adding another skill isn't necessary.
Chain. Some players opt to go plate but you're a damage dealer. Chain is the way to go since it offers the most strength which will result in a huge increase to damage.
Great sword. Some people opt for hammer but I don't see a point unless you're hybrid Cleric. Great swords have the highest damage output.
Strength. You're not a tank, you're a damage dealer. Strength is your primary damage dealing stat and should be compounded.
Berserkers require great timing and stamina management to be effective. Although they are the cookie cutter class they can be classified as easy to pick up, hard to master because of stamina management. The major mistake most Berserkers make is they blow all their CDs and have no way to avoid damage. Dead dps does less dps.
Pros and Cons:
Heavy Damage
High Mobility
High HP
In melee range
Stamina depletes quickly
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Crush: Your main damage dealing ability as well as a powerful knockdown. This skill should be taken immediately and a point put in pretty much every chance until maxed.
2/3 Dodge Attack: A second point is taken partially because you have to, and partially because at level two it exposes weaknesses in enemies.
5/5 War Weapon Mastery: 10% increase to damage. Enough Said.
Tier 2:
3/3 Neutralize: Key combo starter and interrupt for players and mobs alike. This skill is necessary.
Tier 3:
5/5 Nocturne: Instant cast extremely powerful attack. Each level increases its damage by 60% offering one of the best returns on investments.
3/3 No Mercy: Increased critical damage. Enough said.
Tier 4:
1/3 Upward Strike: Dodge and counter attack with an expose weakness. Nice skill overall but doesn't warrant more than one point.
Tier 5:
1/3 Bash: Taken primarily for the knockback. Although this skill can be a lifesaver it is also one of the most annoying skills a Berserker can use while in a group.
2/5 Armageddon Crush: A double attack that does decent damage.
2/2 Grievous Wound: Overall great skill. Decreases targets movement speed so you can chase them when they start to run off. Helps with annoying mobs in PvE and PvP.
Tier 6:
2/5 Crushing: Would put five points here if I could. Although it can only chain after crush or upward strike it is a powerful attack.
1/1 Escape: It can save your life in PvE when you get in over your head, as well as PvP. It's a necessary skill given that Berserkers don't have a way to heal or any solid escape mechanisms.
Tier 7:
1/3 Tornado: AoE damage skill that offers four strikes. This skill has close to the output of Nocturne in AoE form. This is a great skill.
2/2 Blood of the Berserker: Some people do not agree with putting two points in this skill but personally I love it. You need the increased movement speed, damage, and stamina and since you will be in melee range in all fights you can expect to be using it.
What happened to the berserk tree?
All the skills are more heavily associated with PvP and have little PvE use. This is the primary difference between a Berserker that wishes to push PvE over PvP. While Berserking is one of the key aspects of the class, auto attacks are easy to land on mobs so you should active Berserk without issue.
Why no Buffalo Charge?
I don't like it. It's just not a great skill. You will find that you're running on empty stamina more often than you'd expect as is. Adding another skill isn't necessary.
Chain. Some players opt to go plate but you're a damage dealer. Chain is the way to go since it offers the most strength which will result in a huge increase to damage.
Great sword. Some people opt for hammer but I don't see a point unless you're hybrid Cleric. Great swords have the highest damage output.
Strength. You're not a tank, you're a damage dealer. Strength is your primary damage dealing stat and should be compounded.
Berserkers require great timing and stamina management to be effective. Although they are the cookie cutter class they can be classified as easy to pick up, hard to master because of stamina management. The major mistake most Berserkers make is they blow all their CDs and have no way to avoid damage. Dead dps does less dps.
Sorcerer PvP/PvE Build
Oddly enough a Sorcerer glass cannon build is what is best for PvP and PvE. Obviously there are several deviations people can make on preference but for the most part PvP and PvE builts follow the same structure. In both instances the goal is maximum damage output and since in Raiderz players can dodge and avoid damage naturally, glass cannon is much more viable.
Pros and Cons:
Extremely High Damage Output
Crowd Control
Sought after for PvE and PvP
Squishy if caught
Very timing sensitive
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
1/3 Flame Arrow: You purchase this skill for both a ranged attack and proc your fire magic damage increase skill from range, and sort of because you have to.
5/5 Rapid Blasts: Close range very fast attack that's part of your burst combo. Does great damage.
1/3 Ice Arrow: Range attack and necessary to get other skills.
1/5 Ice Thorns: AoE damage and slow. Necessary for both escape and chasing enemies.
5/5 Magic Mastery: 10% increase in damage. Enough said.
Tier 2:
5/5 Flame Impact: Close range very fast attack that's part of your burst combo. Does great damage.
1/3 Meditation: Mostly because you need something to regenerate EP.
Tier 3:
1/3 Flame Orb: Strong AoE ranged attack. Very nice for ranged pokes in PvP and attacking group at range in PvE.
1/3 Cold Wave: Mostly taken for the 30% decrease in movement speed.
1/3 Ice Barrier: AoE damage and CC. This is useful for grouping in PvE and PvP.
Tier 4:
3/5 Pillar of Fire: Very heavy AoE damage. When used with frost CC this skill is devastating in both PvE and PvP.
Tier 5:
3/5 Burning Meteor: Huge AoE damage and knockdown. This skill is great when used with frost CC and Fire Pillar.
3/3 Flame Armor: Increased magic damage.
1/5 Cold Wave: Instant cast AoE damage and movement speed reduction. This skill is necessary for escaping in both PvE and PvP.
1/2 Elemental Harmony: Increase to casting speed and more importantly movement speed. This skill helps in both damage and survivability.
Tier 6:
1/1 Crystallization: Absolutely mandatory for PvE and PvP. This skill not only saves your bacon by making you immune to all damage for two seconds, but anybody in range of you when the time is up gets frozen. This skill can be used as an escape but can also be used to bait offensively.
Tier 7:
1/3 Flame Tornado: Instant cast AoE damage and movement speed increase to self. Good for both damage in PvE and PvP and escape in both.
What about other trees?
Some people opt to move into the starter skills of other trees. I don't see a reason to with sorcerer. The fact is Sorcerers have so many escape mechanisms that I couldn't fathom a situation where if your Sorcerer skills can't get you out, that another classes level 1 skill will. Some people opt to take divine punishment for a quick damage boost an interrupt.
How is this a PvP build?
A lot of people think that to be a PvP build Sorcerers should spec into frost. This simply isn't true because one point in the frost talents give you significant slows and okay damage. All putting additional points does there is take away damage that could burn your enemies to the ground.
Meteor vs Pillar
A lot of people opt to put more points into Pillar of Fire. Personally I like splitting them for the additional damage as a compromise. Although for consistent regular damage Pillar is preferred, I find that most players try to time their CDs to blow up simultaneously.
Cloth is the only set I personally would use. A lot of people opt for leather though. I find that leather lacks the intellect you would want on it and doesn't offer enough survivability for the damage lost.
Some people go sword and board. I personally prefer staff. The fact is, Sorcerer's have a lot of escape mechanisms. More survivability shouldn't be necessary for them as a class.
Pure intellect. Sorcerer's are casters and are expected to do heavy damage. Only intellect offers the means to do this and if a player opts to aim at survivability they will be horribly disappointed.
This build is meant to be a glass cannon style build. Fortunately Sorcerers have a plethora of viable damage/CC abilities in the frost tree available to them as well. This means that Sorcerers might be one of the most versatile classes when it comes to PvE and PvP. The skills chosen allow for massive burst on the fire end as well as plenty of escapes on the frost end.
Pros and Cons:
Extremely High Damage Output
Crowd Control
Sought after for PvE and PvP
Squishy if caught
Very timing sensitive
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
1/3 Flame Arrow: You purchase this skill for both a ranged attack and proc your fire magic damage increase skill from range, and sort of because you have to.
5/5 Rapid Blasts: Close range very fast attack that's part of your burst combo. Does great damage.
1/3 Ice Arrow: Range attack and necessary to get other skills.
1/5 Ice Thorns: AoE damage and slow. Necessary for both escape and chasing enemies.
5/5 Magic Mastery: 10% increase in damage. Enough said.
Tier 2:
5/5 Flame Impact: Close range very fast attack that's part of your burst combo. Does great damage.
1/3 Meditation: Mostly because you need something to regenerate EP.
Tier 3:
1/3 Flame Orb: Strong AoE ranged attack. Very nice for ranged pokes in PvP and attacking group at range in PvE.
1/3 Cold Wave: Mostly taken for the 30% decrease in movement speed.
1/3 Ice Barrier: AoE damage and CC. This is useful for grouping in PvE and PvP.
Tier 4:
3/5 Pillar of Fire: Very heavy AoE damage. When used with frost CC this skill is devastating in both PvE and PvP.
Tier 5:
3/5 Burning Meteor: Huge AoE damage and knockdown. This skill is great when used with frost CC and Fire Pillar.
3/3 Flame Armor: Increased magic damage.
1/5 Cold Wave: Instant cast AoE damage and movement speed reduction. This skill is necessary for escaping in both PvE and PvP.
1/2 Elemental Harmony: Increase to casting speed and more importantly movement speed. This skill helps in both damage and survivability.
Tier 6:
1/1 Crystallization: Absolutely mandatory for PvE and PvP. This skill not only saves your bacon by making you immune to all damage for two seconds, but anybody in range of you when the time is up gets frozen. This skill can be used as an escape but can also be used to bait offensively.
Tier 7:
1/3 Flame Tornado: Instant cast AoE damage and movement speed increase to self. Good for both damage in PvE and PvP and escape in both.
What about other trees?
Some people opt to move into the starter skills of other trees. I don't see a reason to with sorcerer. The fact is Sorcerers have so many escape mechanisms that I couldn't fathom a situation where if your Sorcerer skills can't get you out, that another classes level 1 skill will. Some people opt to take divine punishment for a quick damage boost an interrupt.
How is this a PvP build?
A lot of people think that to be a PvP build Sorcerers should spec into frost. This simply isn't true because one point in the frost talents give you significant slows and okay damage. All putting additional points does there is take away damage that could burn your enemies to the ground.
Meteor vs Pillar
A lot of people opt to put more points into Pillar of Fire. Personally I like splitting them for the additional damage as a compromise. Although for consistent regular damage Pillar is preferred, I find that most players try to time their CDs to blow up simultaneously.
Cloth is the only set I personally would use. A lot of people opt for leather though. I find that leather lacks the intellect you would want on it and doesn't offer enough survivability for the damage lost.
Some people go sword and board. I personally prefer staff. The fact is, Sorcerer's have a lot of escape mechanisms. More survivability shouldn't be necessary for them as a class.
Pure intellect. Sorcerer's are casters and are expected to do heavy damage. Only intellect offers the means to do this and if a player opts to aim at survivability they will be horribly disappointed.
This build is meant to be a glass cannon style build. Fortunately Sorcerers have a plethora of viable damage/CC abilities in the frost tree available to them as well. This means that Sorcerers might be one of the most versatile classes when it comes to PvE and PvP. The skills chosen allow for massive burst on the fire end as well as plenty of escapes on the frost end.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Best Raiderz Class
Although I'm sure I will take some heat from saying this, there is in fact a best Raiderz class at the current point in the game. Although Raiderz does a pretty good job balancing classes for just entering open beta, there are some obvious discrepancies.
1st Place: The Defender
I'm sure a lot of people thought Sorcerer was going to go here. The truth is the heavy armor, high damage, and insane stuns as well as an inability to be caught make Defender the best class in Raiderz.
In PvP Defenders are able to keep players knocked down or dazed while dishing out high damage. Although defender doesn't have the highest damage output, this is offset by the fact that all other classes wear weaker armor. If a Berserker and defender go toe to toe for example, Berserker will do more damage, but Defender has higher armor, as a result they end up equal in damage taken. The difference is Defenders can heal, block completely with shield, and stun/disable the Berserker to oblivion. This makes them near unstoppable in PvP, at most I see people forcing them to retreat, but virtually never killing them.
Now I'm sure somebody would say at this point, that's just PvP! What about PvE?
While soloing its almost impossible to die as a Defender. Although killing monsters takes slightly (and I mean slightly) longer than Berserkers and Sorcerers, Defenders have pretty much no down time. If they hybrid a point into revitalize in the cleric tree, they have literally no down time. This means that they can progress through quests/mobs faster than clerics with a huge amount more survivability than Sorc/Zerk.
What about endgame?
Endgame dungeons in Raiderz require a Defender to soak the damage and provide group damage reduction. Although they aren't really viable as damage dealers in a group, they are the only class that can really take the pain that some bosses dish out. Although a group can get by without them if all players are fully capable of dodging, Defenders speed up the run.
2nd Place: Sorcerer
In Raiderz Sorcerer deals more damage endgame than any other class. Berserkers are close but because of stamina issues and needing to run out of boss range are second. On top of being extremely powerful damage wise, Sorcerers are extremely difficult to catch because they are ranged making them a pain in PvP.
The only reason Sorcerers aren't first is because they are easier to kill than Defender. Although they get to stand back safely at a range, they can be brought from full to empty in one solid chain from a Berserker. In PvP they can feel very powerful from their ability to take somebody from 80% to zero while never getting close, normally making them peoples view of the most powerful.
What about PvE?
They are powerful in PvE and capable of destroying mobs quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately they suffer from down time since they don't have a solid method of not taking damage or returning to full health rapidly. This means they start to balance in speed to Defenders because they need to take breaks.
What about endgame?
Sorcerers in Raiderz are powerful endgame. Their ability to do huge damage to the bosses without ever needing to get near make them great additions to endgame teams.
3rd Place: Cleric
The Cleric in Raiderz is considered one of the borderline unkillable classes, unfortunately they are also the class that is least likely to kill a player. Although they can slowly beat on an enemy and have an ability to burst, they just don't bring enough killing power to the table when compared to the other three. They don't have the CC Defenders have or the damage output of Sorcerers and Berserkers. What they do have though is the ability to run and heal to full.
In PvP Clerics take the role of support healer and rabbit. Pretty much if you are going toe to toe with anybody, you run. If a Cleric is stunned, they are more than likely dead. This is equalized by them being extremely hard to catch, and the ability to use mail as well as mace and shield. Overall, they end up being one of the borderline unkillable classes along with Defenders because of the ability to go from zero to near full quickly and being insanely hard to catch.
What about PvE?
They require almost zero downtime since they are a healer but killing mobs can take a while. They are a healing class with the ability to do damage, don't be shocked that in PvE they are the turtle, slow and steady.
What about endgame?
They're healers. In Raiderz there will always be a spot for a Cleric in the group, just not normally a dpsing one.
4th Place: Berserker
I don't know what would piss people off more, putting Defender at one, or Berserker at four, but lets be honest, they need to wear plate or fix their stamina costs.
Berserkers can be a devastating force in PvP with the ability to take a group from full health down to near nothing. The knockdowns that Berserkers use are extremely potent, unfortunately they are extremely killable with virtually no escapes. They suffer from the fact that all of their abilities use stamina which is their only way of escaping so after hitting a combo they find themselves unable to dodge their way out of a fight. They do the damage of the Sorcerer, but are much easier to catch.
What about PvE?
Berserkers are solid in PvE. They are able to kill mobs quickly and with their AoE swings they are able to kill multiple enemies quickly. Unfortunately Berserkers often have to take breaks because they take damage from being in melee range and have no effective way to heal. This makes them one of the fastest classes in killing mobs, but also has one of the longest downtimes
What about endgame?
They are sought after endgame as damage dealers. Where Sorcerers can be one shot by a boss, Berserkers are able to to take two to three shots, making them more reliable in some fights.
In the end the developers of Raiderz did a great job in keeping classes mostly balanced making it mostly up to players skills, but Defenders/Sorcerers undeniably have advantages. This could be solved by reducing the damage of Defenders and upping the squishiness of Sorcerers (or reducing their damage slightly, honestly Berserkers should be top damage since they have more risk in melee range).
1st Place: The Defender
I'm sure a lot of people thought Sorcerer was going to go here. The truth is the heavy armor, high damage, and insane stuns as well as an inability to be caught make Defender the best class in Raiderz.
In PvP Defenders are able to keep players knocked down or dazed while dishing out high damage. Although defender doesn't have the highest damage output, this is offset by the fact that all other classes wear weaker armor. If a Berserker and defender go toe to toe for example, Berserker will do more damage, but Defender has higher armor, as a result they end up equal in damage taken. The difference is Defenders can heal, block completely with shield, and stun/disable the Berserker to oblivion. This makes them near unstoppable in PvP, at most I see people forcing them to retreat, but virtually never killing them.
Now I'm sure somebody would say at this point, that's just PvP! What about PvE?
While soloing its almost impossible to die as a Defender. Although killing monsters takes slightly (and I mean slightly) longer than Berserkers and Sorcerers, Defenders have pretty much no down time. If they hybrid a point into revitalize in the cleric tree, they have literally no down time. This means that they can progress through quests/mobs faster than clerics with a huge amount more survivability than Sorc/Zerk.
What about endgame?
Endgame dungeons in Raiderz require a Defender to soak the damage and provide group damage reduction. Although they aren't really viable as damage dealers in a group, they are the only class that can really take the pain that some bosses dish out. Although a group can get by without them if all players are fully capable of dodging, Defenders speed up the run.
2nd Place: Sorcerer
In Raiderz Sorcerer deals more damage endgame than any other class. Berserkers are close but because of stamina issues and needing to run out of boss range are second. On top of being extremely powerful damage wise, Sorcerers are extremely difficult to catch because they are ranged making them a pain in PvP.
The only reason Sorcerers aren't first is because they are easier to kill than Defender. Although they get to stand back safely at a range, they can be brought from full to empty in one solid chain from a Berserker. In PvP they can feel very powerful from their ability to take somebody from 80% to zero while never getting close, normally making them peoples view of the most powerful.
What about PvE?
They are powerful in PvE and capable of destroying mobs quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately they suffer from down time since they don't have a solid method of not taking damage or returning to full health rapidly. This means they start to balance in speed to Defenders because they need to take breaks.
What about endgame?
Sorcerers in Raiderz are powerful endgame. Their ability to do huge damage to the bosses without ever needing to get near make them great additions to endgame teams.
3rd Place: Cleric
The Cleric in Raiderz is considered one of the borderline unkillable classes, unfortunately they are also the class that is least likely to kill a player. Although they can slowly beat on an enemy and have an ability to burst, they just don't bring enough killing power to the table when compared to the other three. They don't have the CC Defenders have or the damage output of Sorcerers and Berserkers. What they do have though is the ability to run and heal to full.
In PvP Clerics take the role of support healer and rabbit. Pretty much if you are going toe to toe with anybody, you run. If a Cleric is stunned, they are more than likely dead. This is equalized by them being extremely hard to catch, and the ability to use mail as well as mace and shield. Overall, they end up being one of the borderline unkillable classes along with Defenders because of the ability to go from zero to near full quickly and being insanely hard to catch.
What about PvE?
They require almost zero downtime since they are a healer but killing mobs can take a while. They are a healing class with the ability to do damage, don't be shocked that in PvE they are the turtle, slow and steady.
What about endgame?
They're healers. In Raiderz there will always be a spot for a Cleric in the group, just not normally a dpsing one.
4th Place: Berserker
I don't know what would piss people off more, putting Defender at one, or Berserker at four, but lets be honest, they need to wear plate or fix their stamina costs.
Berserkers can be a devastating force in PvP with the ability to take a group from full health down to near nothing. The knockdowns that Berserkers use are extremely potent, unfortunately they are extremely killable with virtually no escapes. They suffer from the fact that all of their abilities use stamina which is their only way of escaping so after hitting a combo they find themselves unable to dodge their way out of a fight. They do the damage of the Sorcerer, but are much easier to catch.
What about PvE?
Berserkers are solid in PvE. They are able to kill mobs quickly and with their AoE swings they are able to kill multiple enemies quickly. Unfortunately Berserkers often have to take breaks because they take damage from being in melee range and have no effective way to heal. This makes them one of the fastest classes in killing mobs, but also has one of the longest downtimes
What about endgame?
They are sought after endgame as damage dealers. Where Sorcerers can be one shot by a boss, Berserkers are able to to take two to three shots, making them more reliable in some fights.
In the end the developers of Raiderz did a great job in keeping classes mostly balanced making it mostly up to players skills, but Defenders/Sorcerers undeniably have advantages. This could be solved by reducing the damage of Defenders and upping the squishiness of Sorcerers (or reducing their damage slightly, honestly Berserkers should be top damage since they have more risk in melee range).
Item Duping
Raiderz has a huge issue with duping at the moment and the mods are scurrying to fix it. It has players screaming for server rollbacks because the game is new enough to warrant it, while other players are just asking for player wipes of abusers. Some players are asking for new servers so they can join one where people haven't cheated their way to the top. Either way, the item duping and hacks are a serious issue for the newly released Raiderz.
Server rollback:
Honestly, this is what I favor. Despite leveling a character up to thirty five, I found the process enjoyable. What I don't find enjoyable is players who are already in the highest gear imaginable with zero effort because they cheated. It ruins the game economy and really ruins PvP. If they did do a server rollback I would say that all Zen should be refunded to players to reuse. Although there are players who say they would quit if this happened, I'd wager they are all talk. With the Zen in the account they would stay to spend it. There are a lot of players who would be 'punished' by having their characters unfairly punished, but I doubt they want to play on a server where people run around with hacked items either. When there's an epidemic, sometimes the best course of action, is to burn everything.
This method would also ensure that nobody falls through the cracks.
Player wipes/IP bans of abusers:
This would be an option I would endorse if they can find a way to ensure 100% are punished. The fact is though, that some will slip through the cracks if this method is used. This teaches people that if they cheat, but not too much there are no consequences. If even one of the scumbags ruining the game slip through, it's too many.
In fact, besides the rollbacks, I think this should be in place as well. Anybody that they have discovered to be an abuser, should be IP banned even after the rollback occurs.
New Servers:
This is nice in theory, but expensive. Bandwidth costs money and the company shouldn't have to foot the bill because people have no ethics. It's not their fault that players are all self gratifying scumbags willing to cheat to win.
Also, this method pretty much ensures that those who abused the system still get away unpunished. Although I enjoy the idea of leaving all the cheaters on servers with each other, I prefer the idea of them getting banned permanently.
Something needs to be done fast. Fortunately the developers are in a position where Raiderz is so new that even if they did the widely unpopular server wipe, they would be able to recoup everything. I honestly think that doing so would get them noticed in several game magazines and gamers like myself would appreciate that they punished it so harshly. In the end I think a server rollback would net more players than any of the other options for Raiderz.
That's my take anyway.
Server rollback:
Honestly, this is what I favor. Despite leveling a character up to thirty five, I found the process enjoyable. What I don't find enjoyable is players who are already in the highest gear imaginable with zero effort because they cheated. It ruins the game economy and really ruins PvP. If they did do a server rollback I would say that all Zen should be refunded to players to reuse. Although there are players who say they would quit if this happened, I'd wager they are all talk. With the Zen in the account they would stay to spend it. There are a lot of players who would be 'punished' by having their characters unfairly punished, but I doubt they want to play on a server where people run around with hacked items either. When there's an epidemic, sometimes the best course of action, is to burn everything.
This method would also ensure that nobody falls through the cracks.
Player wipes/IP bans of abusers:
This would be an option I would endorse if they can find a way to ensure 100% are punished. The fact is though, that some will slip through the cracks if this method is used. This teaches people that if they cheat, but not too much there are no consequences. If even one of the scumbags ruining the game slip through, it's too many.
In fact, besides the rollbacks, I think this should be in place as well. Anybody that they have discovered to be an abuser, should be IP banned even after the rollback occurs.
New Servers:
This is nice in theory, but expensive. Bandwidth costs money and the company shouldn't have to foot the bill because people have no ethics. It's not their fault that players are all self gratifying scumbags willing to cheat to win.
Also, this method pretty much ensures that those who abused the system still get away unpunished. Although I enjoy the idea of leaving all the cheaters on servers with each other, I prefer the idea of them getting banned permanently.
Something needs to be done fast. Fortunately the developers are in a position where Raiderz is so new that even if they did the widely unpopular server wipe, they would be able to recoup everything. I honestly think that doing so would get them noticed in several game magazines and gamers like myself would appreciate that they punished it so harshly. In the end I think a server rollback would net more players than any of the other options for Raiderz.
That's my take anyway.
Cleric PvP Build
In Raiderz Clerics are highly sought after characters in PvP for groups. The fact is being extremely squishy and easy to kill doesn't appeal to most players so there aren't many Clerics really rocking PvP, but there are some. Just because a Cleric is expected to heal, doesn't mean it has to be useless.
Pros and Cons:
High Survivability
High Damage
Adequate Heals
Requires Solid Dodge Skills
Catching running enemies is difficult
Survivability still low
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
1/3 Hammer of Light: Ranged attack for poking but mostly taken to eventually get to chains.
5/5 Divine Punishment: The quick cast, short cooldown, and high damage of this ability cannot be ignored. Not only is it required for having any decent solo ability in the game, but also to contribute damage during PvP and boss encounters.
3/3 Revitalize: Quick cast self heal. It is the cornerstone of PvP as a Cleric if you expect to live.
5/5 Divine Master: 10% increase to damage and healing. Enough said.
Tier 2:
1/3 Focused Strike: This is a key part of the healing strike, focused strike, divine punishment skill chain.
4/5 Heal: Mostly for the reduced cooldown and extra person it heals. Otherwise I would normally say stop at three points. Cooldowns save lives in PvP.
Tier 3:
1/3 Hammer of Judgment: Ranged attack for poking, but mostly taken to get to chains.
1/3 Circle of Punishment: This is a key part of doing big damage in PvP. Increasing the damage taken by Divine punishment in conjunction with possession gives about a 500% damage boost to the shot. When this is stacked with other damage modifiers, it's painful.
Tier 4:
1/3 Healing Strike: This skill offers a nice heal and additional damage. When combined with focused strike and divine punishment it makes for a pretty potent three hit combo if an enemy is dazed.
1/3 Circle of Healing: AoE heal that boosts heal potency. Nice on the occasions you can use it.
Tier 5:
1/3 Links of Light: This skill is primarily taken for the slow effect. Crowd control is key in PvP and the ability to slow a retreating enemy is huge.
1/3 Miraculous Recovery: Some people say 3 points in this, but honestly two additional points for 10% more healing doesn't make sense. I'm happy with 40% heal on an instant cast.
1/3 Crystal of Life: This is primarily taken as an instant cast heal. The cooldown is long but laying this allows you to gain a small amount stamina and speed for a short burst helping in tough spots.
2/2 Uplift: Passive power boost is always welcome.
Tier 6:
1/1 Whirlpool of Light: This should be taken for a slight aoe pushback on enemies but primarily for dispelling immobilizing spells.
1/3 Orb of Punishment: An instant cast 20% increase to movements speed for four second. Any enemy that catches you take takes damage which is also a nice bonus.
1/3 Salvation: Full party heal on instant cast. Enough said.
1/3 Blessing Swiftness: Increased movements speed for the group will help in chasing or escaping. If you have it and the enemy does, either way you have the advantage.
Tier 7:
1/3 Storm of Judgment: When combined with circle of punishment this spell becomes a terror to anybody in range of you. Great PvP damage ability when combined with stuns/knockdowns.
Defender Tier 1:
1/5 Stunning Smash: Purely taken for the interrupt. It helps the group CC enemies and sets you up for good damage combos.
1/3 Rush: Taken of the stun for the same reasons as stunning smash. Stuns and CC only help in PvP.
That's a lot of damage!:
One of the advantages to using chain mail and mace and shield is you are inconspicuous. If you stand back and heal, you'll just be a target for everybody, if you're in the fray, it's tougher to pick you out. Take advantage of this by laying out Circle of Pain, instant casting storm of judgment, then bringing the thunder with divine punishment. If you are stunned lay down whirlpool to escape. If somebody chases key up orb of punishment for a 4 second speed boost. Once you are safe, throw out a couple heals to the group, revitalize/crystal yourself, then dive back in with a stunning smash or rush.
If enemies are spread or trying to run you can lay out swiftness to speed your guys up or chains to slow them down. Either way, if you catch up with all your speed boosts, a rush will stun them long enough for the group to catch up.
The key with this is to dive in for short bursts, blow up on them, then rush out and support.
I pefer chain armor for PvP to keep from getting two shot by Zerks.
Mace and shield. This allows you to keep up your defense when you engage enemies. You can alternate into a staff if you need to back off and throw out heals, but generally mace and shield should be taken most the time for survivability. Dead Clerics heal nobody.
Some people feel that gemming for stats other than intellect is useful. I personally do not. More int increases potency of damage and healing and so the usage is much better than stamina, EP, HP, etc.
This build revolves around being fast, being able to stun, and being able to burst for some damage before escaping to safety. The key with all builds is recognizing when to dive, and when to run. But always error on the aggressive side.
Pros and Cons:
High Survivability
High Damage
Adequate Heals
Requires Solid Dodge Skills
Catching running enemies is difficult
Survivability still low
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
1/3 Hammer of Light: Ranged attack for poking but mostly taken to eventually get to chains.
5/5 Divine Punishment: The quick cast, short cooldown, and high damage of this ability cannot be ignored. Not only is it required for having any decent solo ability in the game, but also to contribute damage during PvP and boss encounters.
3/3 Revitalize: Quick cast self heal. It is the cornerstone of PvP as a Cleric if you expect to live.
5/5 Divine Master: 10% increase to damage and healing. Enough said.
Tier 2:
1/3 Focused Strike: This is a key part of the healing strike, focused strike, divine punishment skill chain.
4/5 Heal: Mostly for the reduced cooldown and extra person it heals. Otherwise I would normally say stop at three points. Cooldowns save lives in PvP.
Tier 3:
1/3 Hammer of Judgment: Ranged attack for poking, but mostly taken to get to chains.
1/3 Circle of Punishment: This is a key part of doing big damage in PvP. Increasing the damage taken by Divine punishment in conjunction with possession gives about a 500% damage boost to the shot. When this is stacked with other damage modifiers, it's painful.
Tier 4:
1/3 Healing Strike: This skill offers a nice heal and additional damage. When combined with focused strike and divine punishment it makes for a pretty potent three hit combo if an enemy is dazed.
1/3 Circle of Healing: AoE heal that boosts heal potency. Nice on the occasions you can use it.
Tier 5:
1/3 Links of Light: This skill is primarily taken for the slow effect. Crowd control is key in PvP and the ability to slow a retreating enemy is huge.
1/3 Miraculous Recovery: Some people say 3 points in this, but honestly two additional points for 10% more healing doesn't make sense. I'm happy with 40% heal on an instant cast.
1/3 Crystal of Life: This is primarily taken as an instant cast heal. The cooldown is long but laying this allows you to gain a small amount stamina and speed for a short burst helping in tough spots.
2/2 Uplift: Passive power boost is always welcome.
Tier 6:
1/1 Whirlpool of Light: This should be taken for a slight aoe pushback on enemies but primarily for dispelling immobilizing spells.
1/3 Orb of Punishment: An instant cast 20% increase to movements speed for four second. Any enemy that catches you take takes damage which is also a nice bonus.
1/3 Salvation: Full party heal on instant cast. Enough said.
1/3 Blessing Swiftness: Increased movements speed for the group will help in chasing or escaping. If you have it and the enemy does, either way you have the advantage.
Tier 7:
1/3 Storm of Judgment: When combined with circle of punishment this spell becomes a terror to anybody in range of you. Great PvP damage ability when combined with stuns/knockdowns.
Defender Tier 1:
1/5 Stunning Smash: Purely taken for the interrupt. It helps the group CC enemies and sets you up for good damage combos.
1/3 Rush: Taken of the stun for the same reasons as stunning smash. Stuns and CC only help in PvP.
That's a lot of damage!:
One of the advantages to using chain mail and mace and shield is you are inconspicuous. If you stand back and heal, you'll just be a target for everybody, if you're in the fray, it's tougher to pick you out. Take advantage of this by laying out Circle of Pain, instant casting storm of judgment, then bringing the thunder with divine punishment. If you are stunned lay down whirlpool to escape. If somebody chases key up orb of punishment for a 4 second speed boost. Once you are safe, throw out a couple heals to the group, revitalize/crystal yourself, then dive back in with a stunning smash or rush.
If enemies are spread or trying to run you can lay out swiftness to speed your guys up or chains to slow them down. Either way, if you catch up with all your speed boosts, a rush will stun them long enough for the group to catch up.
The key with this is to dive in for short bursts, blow up on them, then rush out and support.
I pefer chain armor for PvP to keep from getting two shot by Zerks.
Mace and shield. This allows you to keep up your defense when you engage enemies. You can alternate into a staff if you need to back off and throw out heals, but generally mace and shield should be taken most the time for survivability. Dead Clerics heal nobody.
Some people feel that gemming for stats other than intellect is useful. I personally do not. More int increases potency of damage and healing and so the usage is much better than stamina, EP, HP, etc.
This build revolves around being fast, being able to stun, and being able to burst for some damage before escaping to safety. The key with all builds is recognizing when to dive, and when to run. But always error on the aggressive side.
Sharia's Cleric Guide
This guide is originally posted by Sharia on Raiderz Forums. It is considered one of the better Raiderz guides on clerics and can be found HERE. She does a great job explaining why she takes certain skills. This is one of the favorite guides on the class and I can't complain about any of it. Personally feel focused and healing strike deserve more points but I understand why she doesn't take them.
This guide mentions only pure cleric builds, using cloth and staves. Does not include clerics using chain armor, shield, 1h weapon or 2h Hammer.
Table of Content
I. Introduction
II. Pros and Cons of this build
III. Difference between 'Full Support Cleric' and 'Battle Cleric'
IV. Skills
V. Divine Punishment
VI. Equipment (+ explanation of INT stat)
I. Introduction
So, what is a cleric? In most MMO's it is that guy standing behind party spamming heals, who is absolutely useless when it comes to damage and has very hard time playing on his own. Well, this is not true in RaiderZ. Contrary to common believe, clerics can deal both damage and heal at the same time without any problems.
II. Pros and Cons of this build
- High healing
- High damage
- Perfect solo class
- Beast in 1v1 combat
- Beast in group combat (By healing others, getting into group of enemies is a bad idea)
- Very hard to catch running enemy
- Very skill-dependant (Especially in PvP)
- Low survivability in PvP
- MUST dodge, MUST run in circles
- Relatively low HP pool (but that goes for all cloth users)
III. Difference between 'Full Support Cleric' and 'Battle Cleric'
People tend to say: "If you want to deal damage, you will suck as healer" and vise versa. This is absolutely not true. And that is because gear for the healer and for dmg cleric is the same. How is that possible? That is because in RaiderZ, there is no 'Healing' stat, all your healing goes right from magical attack, and that is the main reason why cleric can heal loads while dealing loads of damage, it goes hand in hand.
So what is the difference between the selfish battle cleric and FS? Buffs. The only difference between these two might be buffs. However, I still keep on denying the existence of FS in this game.
IV. Skills
This is my build. (click)
Divine Punishment - This is my most beloved skill, the one that hurts melee players so much. It is instant cast, with only 5 seconds cooldown dealing either 294%, 378%, 424% or even 508% damage (more on that later)! That is really high for such low cooldown and no cast time. This skill also interrupt others so it is great 'combo-starter'. Must have at lvl 5 for anyone who wishes to deal reasonable damage.
Circle of Punishment - Increases Divine Punishment damage output considerably (more on that later). Also causes Whirpool of Light hit twice (not written in description). Also causes Storm of Judgement to deal double damage (not written in description).
Revitalize - Very useful, EP-saving self-heal with short cast time.
Divine Mastery - +10% dmg / healing. Pretty much must-have.
Focused Strike / Healing Strike - Used for dps and mostly interrups, combo with divine punishment. Also Healing Strike can be used to heal minor injuries when soloing and cannot cast heal. (It is your only instant heal except for Miraculous Recovery which has high cooldown). Also, do not think of Focused Strike as energy recover, it does not recover considerable amount
Heal - Every level in heal increases the number of people you can heal at once by 1, decreases its cooldown by 1 and increases its mana cost by 25. Also, healed amount scales very little, so the main reason why I put 4 points into it is to have low cooldown and to be able to heal large groups of people. (Yes, party has only 5 members max, but you can also use this in PvP on non-party members)
Mind Training - Well, it is not as good as I thought, but I believe that it was not a waste of points. At level 35, it can heal enough EP to cast another level 4 heal, however when cap raises, EP goes up, this skill might be less and less usefull.
Circle of Healing - First of all, I do not use this skill to heal others, I use it for the effect that is not in description - it increases healing received for anyone in party standing inside the circle by 20-30%. So best to drop this under boss where everyone stays and just use heal on that spot.
Blessing:Concentration - The most useful EP regen, especially when you do not use combat drinks. Each level decreases its cooldown, down to 3min on lvl 3. I recommend maxing it.
Miraculous Recovery - Life saver. It is not meant to be cast when you are safe standing far away, but when something / someone chases you and you just cannot stop to heal yourself. Worth getting, saved my ass many times.
Crystal of Life - Nice skill especially at lowers levels, as you cannot afford to use heal all the time, this is cheaper option. However, on higher levels you will find yourself not using this skill anymore. I mostly use it to heal myself - I put Circle of Healing under me, then use revitalize and crystal of life - full HP for 150 EP. Or I also use it when soloing Hellhound bosses and need the extra stamina.
Whirpool of Light - Must have. If you ever want to do any PvP, must have. Your only escape skill, also dealing damage. It is also extremely usefull when people start to run with 5% HP - this can finish them if you are near them, but not near enough to use punishment.
Salvation - Great heal which does not need you to target anything. Heals everyone in the vicinity.
Uplift - Nice healing / damage bonus.
Ressurection - At some bosses, you cannot just "run back" until all of party members die, this is when this skill comes in handy.
Ranged skills - I have not gotten any as I didnt find them useful for my playstyle. The only one I might get would be Link of Light for its DoT - giving me some more power when soloing bosses, but no, not at lvl 35 cap.
Endurance and Quickness buffs - Endurance in my opinion is not worth points. First rank gives 6% HP, then the others give 2% each for total of 10% HP for 3 points, I find those points better off elsewhere. Quickness - This is nice for some burst dps for your party, but for its long cooldown I decided not to get it. Also, I am healer, not buffer. Buffs are not necessary to success, heal pretty much is.
Orb of Punishment / Judgement - Orb.. well, never liked it, maybe for the speed but that is it. Judgement has too high cooldown. So maybe for PvP to kill one enemy, but that's it.
V. Divine Punishment
Alright, this skill's damage is affected by two skill - Circle of Punishment (adding 130% mdmg) and Possession ( adding 84% dmg to the skill itself, but it also increases matk so it is more). With those skills combined (An enemy standing in circle and you being possesed) you can deal 508% mdmg on hit. Instantly. Isn't that nice? :) That's not all - it also interrupt people - meaning it can create an opening for your melee friend when someone runs away or when he is knocked on ground.
VI. Equipment
Main stat for us is INT -
When you are leveling, basically create every blue set with int you can and socket them with int gems (do not use EP gems, they are not worth it).
When you are done with leveling, you are thrown into world of epic sets. There is a lot to choose from or more to say - to get lost in and overlook something better than you actually spent a lot of gold to make. As we are using cloth, we should go with clean bishop set from epic monastery and int robe from garden. You could say "I'd go with whole int set from garden" but no, only robe gives more int than monastery set and furthermore, garden set pieces do not give any EP, only the int. Therefore, hybrid set like this is best int-wise, ep-wise. Do not think about getting EP sets, at level 35, there are no more problems with EP and you will have 2k EP if you follow this guide. So, to put it simply:
Armor - Bishop set + Garden int robe
Weapon - Mournful Staff frm epic catacombs (Highest base dmg, nice int)
Rings - 2 Sapphire Rings (some people use Bloody Ogis Rings, but I prefer sapphires)
Necklace - Mt. Eda Conqueror (250 EP / HP)
Earrings - Int.
Here's a screenshot of all mentioned equip (at the time I got this screenshot I had one Ogis and one sapphire, now I have two sapphires)...

VII. Lvl 40 cap skills
When cap goes to 40, you will get 5 more skill points. I will max out my heal, salavation and then I might get Nimble Healer 2 or 1 + max ressurection or max Ressurection and use that one point elsewhere. I still haven't made my mind on this one. However, I am surely maxing heal. It will be a great skill when spammable and with the EP pool at level 40, it would be even better.
VIII. Gameplay Footage
Vs. Hellhound Fleetfoot
Vs. Epic Manelloth
More to come
This guide mentions only pure cleric builds, using cloth and staves. Does not include clerics using chain armor, shield, 1h weapon or 2h Hammer.
Table of Content
I. Introduction
II. Pros and Cons of this build
III. Difference between 'Full Support Cleric' and 'Battle Cleric'
IV. Skills
V. Divine Punishment
VI. Equipment (+ explanation of INT stat)
I. Introduction
So, what is a cleric? In most MMO's it is that guy standing behind party spamming heals, who is absolutely useless when it comes to damage and has very hard time playing on his own. Well, this is not true in RaiderZ. Contrary to common believe, clerics can deal both damage and heal at the same time without any problems.
II. Pros and Cons of this build
- High healing
- High damage
- Perfect solo class
- Beast in 1v1 combat
- Beast in group combat (By healing others, getting into group of enemies is a bad idea)
- Very hard to catch running enemy
- Very skill-dependant (Especially in PvP)
- Low survivability in PvP
- MUST dodge, MUST run in circles
- Relatively low HP pool (but that goes for all cloth users)
III. Difference between 'Full Support Cleric' and 'Battle Cleric'
People tend to say: "If you want to deal damage, you will suck as healer" and vise versa. This is absolutely not true. And that is because gear for the healer and for dmg cleric is the same. How is that possible? That is because in RaiderZ, there is no 'Healing' stat, all your healing goes right from magical attack, and that is the main reason why cleric can heal loads while dealing loads of damage, it goes hand in hand.
So what is the difference between the selfish battle cleric and FS? Buffs. The only difference between these two might be buffs. However, I still keep on denying the existence of FS in this game.
IV. Skills
This is my build. (click)
Divine Punishment - This is my most beloved skill, the one that hurts melee players so much. It is instant cast, with only 5 seconds cooldown dealing either 294%, 378%, 424% or even 508% damage (more on that later)! That is really high for such low cooldown and no cast time. This skill also interrupt others so it is great 'combo-starter'. Must have at lvl 5 for anyone who wishes to deal reasonable damage.
Circle of Punishment - Increases Divine Punishment damage output considerably (more on that later). Also causes Whirpool of Light hit twice (not written in description). Also causes Storm of Judgement to deal double damage (not written in description).
Revitalize - Very useful, EP-saving self-heal with short cast time.
Divine Mastery - +10% dmg / healing. Pretty much must-have.
Focused Strike / Healing Strike - Used for dps and mostly interrups, combo with divine punishment. Also Healing Strike can be used to heal minor injuries when soloing and cannot cast heal. (It is your only instant heal except for Miraculous Recovery which has high cooldown). Also, do not think of Focused Strike as energy recover, it does not recover considerable amount
Heal - Every level in heal increases the number of people you can heal at once by 1, decreases its cooldown by 1 and increases its mana cost by 25. Also, healed amount scales very little, so the main reason why I put 4 points into it is to have low cooldown and to be able to heal large groups of people. (Yes, party has only 5 members max, but you can also use this in PvP on non-party members)
Mind Training - Well, it is not as good as I thought, but I believe that it was not a waste of points. At level 35, it can heal enough EP to cast another level 4 heal, however when cap raises, EP goes up, this skill might be less and less usefull.
Circle of Healing - First of all, I do not use this skill to heal others, I use it for the effect that is not in description - it increases healing received for anyone in party standing inside the circle by 20-30%. So best to drop this under boss where everyone stays and just use heal on that spot.
Blessing:Concentration - The most useful EP regen, especially when you do not use combat drinks. Each level decreases its cooldown, down to 3min on lvl 3. I recommend maxing it.
Miraculous Recovery - Life saver. It is not meant to be cast when you are safe standing far away, but when something / someone chases you and you just cannot stop to heal yourself. Worth getting, saved my ass many times.
Crystal of Life - Nice skill especially at lowers levels, as you cannot afford to use heal all the time, this is cheaper option. However, on higher levels you will find yourself not using this skill anymore. I mostly use it to heal myself - I put Circle of Healing under me, then use revitalize and crystal of life - full HP for 150 EP. Or I also use it when soloing Hellhound bosses and need the extra stamina.
Whirpool of Light - Must have. If you ever want to do any PvP, must have. Your only escape skill, also dealing damage. It is also extremely usefull when people start to run with 5% HP - this can finish them if you are near them, but not near enough to use punishment.
Salvation - Great heal which does not need you to target anything. Heals everyone in the vicinity.
Uplift - Nice healing / damage bonus.
Ressurection - At some bosses, you cannot just "run back" until all of party members die, this is when this skill comes in handy.
Ranged skills - I have not gotten any as I didnt find them useful for my playstyle. The only one I might get would be Link of Light for its DoT - giving me some more power when soloing bosses, but no, not at lvl 35 cap.
Endurance and Quickness buffs - Endurance in my opinion is not worth points. First rank gives 6% HP, then the others give 2% each for total of 10% HP for 3 points, I find those points better off elsewhere. Quickness - This is nice for some burst dps for your party, but for its long cooldown I decided not to get it. Also, I am healer, not buffer. Buffs are not necessary to success, heal pretty much is.
Orb of Punishment / Judgement - Orb.. well, never liked it, maybe for the speed but that is it. Judgement has too high cooldown. So maybe for PvP to kill one enemy, but that's it.
V. Divine Punishment
Alright, this skill's damage is affected by two skill - Circle of Punishment (adding 130% mdmg) and Possession ( adding 84% dmg to the skill itself, but it also increases matk so it is more). With those skills combined (An enemy standing in circle and you being possesed) you can deal 508% mdmg on hit. Instantly. Isn't that nice? :) That's not all - it also interrupt people - meaning it can create an opening for your melee friend when someone runs away or when he is knocked on ground.
VI. Equipment
Main stat for us is INT -
- Increases Magical attack by certain % (at level 10 I was getting 0.5 MATK per INT, now I am getting 1.5 MATK per INT. Meaning the higher MATK you get, the more you profit from INT)
- Increases EP by 5 per point
- Slightly increases Magical Crit (this slightly is really just slightly).
When you are leveling, basically create every blue set with int you can and socket them with int gems (do not use EP gems, they are not worth it).
When you are done with leveling, you are thrown into world of epic sets. There is a lot to choose from or more to say - to get lost in and overlook something better than you actually spent a lot of gold to make. As we are using cloth, we should go with clean bishop set from epic monastery and int robe from garden. You could say "I'd go with whole int set from garden" but no, only robe gives more int than monastery set and furthermore, garden set pieces do not give any EP, only the int. Therefore, hybrid set like this is best int-wise, ep-wise. Do not think about getting EP sets, at level 35, there are no more problems with EP and you will have 2k EP if you follow this guide. So, to put it simply:
Armor - Bishop set + Garden int robe
Weapon - Mournful Staff frm epic catacombs (Highest base dmg, nice int)
Rings - 2 Sapphire Rings (some people use Bloody Ogis Rings, but I prefer sapphires)
Necklace - Mt. Eda Conqueror (250 EP / HP)
Earrings - Int.
Here's a screenshot of all mentioned equip (at the time I got this screenshot I had one Ogis and one sapphire, now I have two sapphires)...

VII. Lvl 40 cap skills
When cap goes to 40, you will get 5 more skill points. I will max out my heal, salavation and then I might get Nimble Healer 2 or 1 + max ressurection or max Ressurection and use that one point elsewhere. I still haven't made my mind on this one. However, I am surely maxing heal. It will be a great skill when spammable and with the EP pool at level 40, it would be even better.
VIII. Gameplay Footage
Vs. Hellhound Fleetfoot
Vs. Epic Manelloth
More to come
Cleric Support Build
Most Cleric build guides appear to revolve around PvP. This guide will focus on support being the primary role but will still allow for players to contribute damage during a boss encounter.
Pros and Cons:
High Healing
Contribute Damage
Sought after for groups
High Energy
Low Damage
Low HP Pool
Low Survivability in PvP
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Divine Punishment: The quick cast, short cooldown, and high damage of this ability cannot be ignored. Not only is it required for having any decent solo ability in the game, but also to contribute damage during PvP and boss encounters.
1/3 Revitalize: The long cast time of this ability makes it only sensible to cast before engaging in a fight or to heal yourself while your group is taking damage from a distance. As a ranged character this skills use is limited since you should be avoiding damage.
5/5 Divine Master: 10% increase to damage and healing. Enough said.
Tier 2:
3/3 Focused Strike: Not only is it a main part of your combo, but also your best way to regain energy. It's necessary for keeping up your energy pool.
3/5 Heal: I do not see a reason to go beyond skill three for Heal. Although the reduced Cooldown could sometimes be beneficial, it would cause a heavy drain on your energy and encourage players to sit their spamming until they're running on empty. 3/5 is enough.
1/3 Blessing Endurance: 6% boost to groups stamina for 1pt. 2% per point afterwards is too low for the cost in my opinion.When level caps and gear increases this may change.
Tier 3:
1/5 Circle of Punishment: I know it seems silly for a support built, but during times when circle of healing isn't needed, it's a waste of a cooldown to not combine this with divine punishment.
1/3 Mind Training: I don't really like this skill but 2% chance to restore 5% energy is pretty useful during long fights.
Tier 4:
3/3 Healing Strike: Not only is this skill a key part of your combo, but it aids in your healing. This skill is a must have for groups and soloing. Its based on Stamina instead of EP helping keep your EP usage down.
1/3 Circle of Healing: A lot of people make the mistake of putting three points in this, but it is mostly used to enhance Heal. If you are running into the melee group it should be to do damage and get back out. This means that CoH is only used in emergency situations. That being said, it is important to keep a point in it as a heal booster.
3/3 Blessing Concentration: The best EP regen ability. Great for long fights.
Tier 5:
1/3 Miraculous Recovery: Dead healers can't heal and the 1 second cast time on revitalize is killer.
2/2 Uplift: Everybody likes passive bonuses.
Tier 6:
2/3 Salvation: This is your biggest group heal and when followed by heal is a lifesaver.
1/3 Blessing Swiftness: Although the cooldown is long, a 10% buff to attack speed and movement speed for 15 seconds can either help kill a boss faster or help a PvP group escape. It's a nice emergency button.
Tier 7:
1/3 Storm of Judgment: Despite the long cooldown, I fail to find many other places I would prefer the point at the level you would take this.
1/3 Miracle Combat Resurrection: Battle Ressurection on a long Cooldown, but you can't underestimate a battle rez.
Why take damage abilities in a support build:
This being a support build I'm sure people would be wondering why I put 5 points in Divine Punishment instead of a full 5/5 in Heal and 3/3 in Circle of Healing. The reason is simple actually. During a lot of boss battles there is downtime where your team mates are managing to avoid damage. During this time you can either sit around doing nothing, or you can contribute. This actually increases your healing per second because the boss dies sooner.
By taking circle of punishment, divine punishment, focused strike, and healing strike you can run into the group, lay down circle of punishment, instant cast storm of judgment, and commit your healing, focused, divine punishment combo before running out. As the fight progresses as people are capped in health you can run in and strike before running back out.
As focused strike and healing strike restore your energy and heal your team, you're able to heal longer while reducing the fights length, thus ensuring you have enough EP to last the fight.
Why not take Crystal of Life?
The amount healed is low and requires people to notice it and run through it. Although I wouldn't say its a bad ability, it's not one I like. Its nice as far as a premptive heal, but it needs a buff before I feel its worth a point. If you decide to take it I recommend taking the point from Storm of Judgment since it has a long cooldown.
Two sets of armor are recommended. One set being chain and the other being cloth. Chain armor should be used in PvP and while Soloing. Cloth Armor should be used in PvE. Look for chain armor with in.
Two sets of weapons are recommended. One set should be mace and shield, the other should be staff. Mace and shield is nice to use while soloing, staff should be used for both PvP and PvE. Chances are if an enemy catches you and chain armor doesn't save you in PvP, the shield won't help but it is great for soloing against monsters since they are predictable. Realistically you can get away with just staff.
Some people gem for EP but realistically Intellect should be where to gem. If you are using focused strike your EP should maintain itself and intellect offers additional damage and healing. There is no reason to gem anything but Int at this stage in the game.
This is a support build. Although some people may screech that this build is missing every support ability, some just aren't worth picking up.The fact is, at the moment in the game adding the dps skills help a lot more than putting the last few points in support skills.
Pros and Cons:
High Healing
Contribute Damage
Sought after for groups
High Energy
Low Damage
Low HP Pool
Low Survivability in PvP
Skill Build:
Tier 1:
5/5 Divine Punishment: The quick cast, short cooldown, and high damage of this ability cannot be ignored. Not only is it required for having any decent solo ability in the game, but also to contribute damage during PvP and boss encounters.
1/3 Revitalize: The long cast time of this ability makes it only sensible to cast before engaging in a fight or to heal yourself while your group is taking damage from a distance. As a ranged character this skills use is limited since you should be avoiding damage.
5/5 Divine Master: 10% increase to damage and healing. Enough said.
Tier 2:
3/3 Focused Strike: Not only is it a main part of your combo, but also your best way to regain energy. It's necessary for keeping up your energy pool.
3/5 Heal: I do not see a reason to go beyond skill three for Heal. Although the reduced Cooldown could sometimes be beneficial, it would cause a heavy drain on your energy and encourage players to sit their spamming until they're running on empty. 3/5 is enough.
1/3 Blessing Endurance: 6% boost to groups stamina for 1pt. 2% per point afterwards is too low for the cost in my opinion.When level caps and gear increases this may change.
Tier 3:
1/5 Circle of Punishment: I know it seems silly for a support built, but during times when circle of healing isn't needed, it's a waste of a cooldown to not combine this with divine punishment.
1/3 Mind Training: I don't really like this skill but 2% chance to restore 5% energy is pretty useful during long fights.
Tier 4:
3/3 Healing Strike: Not only is this skill a key part of your combo, but it aids in your healing. This skill is a must have for groups and soloing. Its based on Stamina instead of EP helping keep your EP usage down.
1/3 Circle of Healing: A lot of people make the mistake of putting three points in this, but it is mostly used to enhance Heal. If you are running into the melee group it should be to do damage and get back out. This means that CoH is only used in emergency situations. That being said, it is important to keep a point in it as a heal booster.
3/3 Blessing Concentration: The best EP regen ability. Great for long fights.
Tier 5:
1/3 Miraculous Recovery: Dead healers can't heal and the 1 second cast time on revitalize is killer.
2/2 Uplift: Everybody likes passive bonuses.
Tier 6:
2/3 Salvation: This is your biggest group heal and when followed by heal is a lifesaver.
1/3 Blessing Swiftness: Although the cooldown is long, a 10% buff to attack speed and movement speed for 15 seconds can either help kill a boss faster or help a PvP group escape. It's a nice emergency button.
Tier 7:
1/3 Storm of Judgment: Despite the long cooldown, I fail to find many other places I would prefer the point at the level you would take this.
1/3 Miracle Combat Resurrection: Battle Ressurection on a long Cooldown, but you can't underestimate a battle rez.
Why take damage abilities in a support build:
This being a support build I'm sure people would be wondering why I put 5 points in Divine Punishment instead of a full 5/5 in Heal and 3/3 in Circle of Healing. The reason is simple actually. During a lot of boss battles there is downtime where your team mates are managing to avoid damage. During this time you can either sit around doing nothing, or you can contribute. This actually increases your healing per second because the boss dies sooner.
By taking circle of punishment, divine punishment, focused strike, and healing strike you can run into the group, lay down circle of punishment, instant cast storm of judgment, and commit your healing, focused, divine punishment combo before running out. As the fight progresses as people are capped in health you can run in and strike before running back out.
As focused strike and healing strike restore your energy and heal your team, you're able to heal longer while reducing the fights length, thus ensuring you have enough EP to last the fight.
Why not take Crystal of Life?
The amount healed is low and requires people to notice it and run through it. Although I wouldn't say its a bad ability, it's not one I like. Its nice as far as a premptive heal, but it needs a buff before I feel its worth a point. If you decide to take it I recommend taking the point from Storm of Judgment since it has a long cooldown.
Two sets of armor are recommended. One set being chain and the other being cloth. Chain armor should be used in PvP and while Soloing. Cloth Armor should be used in PvE. Look for chain armor with in.
Two sets of weapons are recommended. One set should be mace and shield, the other should be staff. Mace and shield is nice to use while soloing, staff should be used for both PvP and PvE. Chances are if an enemy catches you and chain armor doesn't save you in PvP, the shield won't help but it is great for soloing against monsters since they are predictable. Realistically you can get away with just staff.
Some people gem for EP but realistically Intellect should be where to gem. If you are using focused strike your EP should maintain itself and intellect offers additional damage and healing. There is no reason to gem anything but Int at this stage in the game.
This is a support build. Although some people may screech that this build is missing every support ability, some just aren't worth picking up.The fact is, at the moment in the game adding the dps skills help a lot more than putting the last few points in support skills.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
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