Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Raiderz PvP Guide

I find that much of the information for PvP in Raiderz carries over between classes and as such this will be written as a general guide to PvP for Raiderz. In the end PvP comes down to a few very simple aspects.

Tip 1: Only engage if you can catch/surround

You have no idea how many times I've had groups of six people trying to catch me for long periods of time until they finally give up. The reason is they all run out and try to chase me and it's pretty tough not to notice. Not only that but I have a couple escape methods to make it even more difficult to catch me. Instead, players should try to bait a player in, or have the part of the group with heavy CC circle around to my escape route (generally toward the safe zone). This way if I try to run to safety, I'm running through the worst part of the group to run through.

Tip 2: Time your knockdowns/snares

There is nothing more obnoxious than four Berserkers all burning their knockdowns, the enemy getting up, then running away with no way to stop him. Try to arrange it within your group before hand who knock downs first, second, third. This way a player has no way to escape. If a player is going to PvP, they need to take all knockdowns/snares that they can for their class. This means that Defenders should spec into sorcerer to pick up frost skills as should clerics.

Tip 3: In, burst, out

This is one of the toughest things for a lot of people to get their heads around. There is very little reason to stay in the middle of the fray since your best skills will be on CD. Even for Berserkers who do significant damage with normal attacks, staying in the fray makes you a big target that's not moving. Its tough for clerics to keep anybody other than defenders alive in PvP, this means if you're not a defender and you take big damage, it may be a bit before you get healed up. Run in, blow your skills, run out and around, run in, blow your skills.

Tip 4: Take PvP skills

This one seems obvious but every class has skills that are created for PvP. These skills are normal stuns, instant casts, snares, heals, interrupts, etc. For example, if you're a Berserker and you aren't able to berserk/furious dash/tranquility you're going to have a rough time. All classes have skills that are for PvP, take them.

Tip 5: Use your environment

This is the difference in a lot of group battles. There are narrow paths, hills, dead ends. All these things allow you to corner and catch enemies or in some cases for you to escape. Be aware of if an enemy will be in a choke point and take advantage of that. If the enemy has tons of escapes, fighting there is probably a waste of time. Be aware of your environment and how to use it.

That's all the tips for today. Outside of that, there are particulars for each class, but during PvP, you will die if you try to go alone, so try to get with a group.

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